Adult Grief After a Traumatic Death

Suggestions for Employers Inform those closest to the coworker privately, others may then be informed as a group. Since all managers may experience death or injury in the workplace, they should be trained in grief reactions and crisis intervention, so they will feel competent in relating with grieving employees. It is far more productive to update staff regularly rather than to allow people to gather information through gossip. With the permission of the victim/survivor, provide updated information regarding the victim/survivor’s status to employees. Inform those closest to the coworker privately. These discussions can take place during breaks and lunch so that work productivity is affected as little as possible. Lunchtime seminars on grief reactions can support workers and normalize their experience. The notion that one should “get back to work and forget about it” is unreasonable and only produces resistance. If management offers sympathy and understanding during this time of crisis, working relationships are strengthened. Many businesses have benefited significantly from calling a meeting or meetings of employees to allow a skilled professional to explain crisis response, normalize their grief reactions, and offer them a safe place to express their thoughts and feelings.

When Your Loved One Was the Substance Impaired Driver

Your loved one may have been the person who drove substance impaired and caused the crash. When something like that happens you may not know where to turn or what to do. Most likely, the grief reactions you will experience will mirror anyone who has had experience with traumatic grief related to substance impaired driving. It’s important to acknowledge that loved ones of a substance impaired driver would never choose for that person to drive impaired and hurt themselves or someone else.


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