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Similar to dash cams, school bus safety cameras would monitor outside vehicles and provide evidence in the event of an accident. During a meeting on December 15, trustees with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) passed a motion to call on upper-tier municipal governments to mandate the use of stop-arm cameras on school buses through the Provincial Offences Act. The motion was tabled by Trustee Bill .BD1IFSTPO 8BSE5XP XIPOPUFEIPX some drivers will illegally pass stopped school buses, putting children in danger. MacPherson also drives a school bus in Lanark County near Perth, and he reported that six such illegal passes have occurred to him as he driving his school bus in the past month alone, including the morning of the board meeting. “It was one of those moments that school bus drivers do not like to remember,” he said. “On a scale of one-to-10, it was an eight on the danger level.” In 2020, Ontario passed legislation to allow stop-arm cameras to be installed on buses, and to allow the footage to be used in court. This is not mandated. Upper-tier municipalities must implement the legisla- tion through local bylaws before it can go into effect. This means that the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) would need to approve a resolution demanding the camera installation, as well as organize a supplier for the devices. “It is on the upper-tier municipalities to enter into an enforcement agreement with the supplier of stop-arm cameras to use,” .BD1IFSTPOTBJEi&TTFOUJBMMZXIBUIBT happened is that one level of government has passed the responsibility on to another level government.”

L’UCDSB demande à l’UCPR de rendre obligatoire l’installation de caméras dans les bus scolaires. - photo d’archive

Stop-arm cameras are the most effective method of deterring illegal passing, because although increased police support can be requested, they cannot be everywhere. i8FIBWFPWFSTDIPPMCVTFTPOUIF

road for five-to-six hours a day,” MacPherson said. “You cannot ask police officers to follow those buses around looking for people that run stop-arms on school buses.” MacPherson also said that the typical school bus fatality happens in mornings, in good weather, with clear roads, and mostly involving children under nine years old. “It has been proven that 94 per cent of people who get a ticket from a stop-arm camera do not repeat the offence,” he said. “It’s not a pandemic. It’s not an epidemic. However, it is an accident waiting to happen.

And I for one do not want to be that driver that is sitting there in the driver’s seat having one of my children killed or badly injured by a stop light bandit.” 5SVTUFF%BWJE.D%POBME 8BSE&JHIU  questioned the jurisdiction of a school board to ask for stop-arm cameras to be installed as part of the Highway Traffic Act. UCDSB Chair John McAllister said, “I don’t care whose jurisdiction this is, it just needs to get done.” The motion passed with only McDonald abstaining from the vote.

EAP NEWSROOM DIGITAL FUNDING HELP FOR ARTS COUNCIL the human being in what is most visceral,” stated Éric Charlebois, CAPRAC board pre- sident, “to feel alive, to feel vibrant, and to know that they are an integral part of the community that allows them, during the most suffocating periods, to identify and to themselves to ensure the outreach of our inclusive and accessible heritage.” Le conseil régional des arts de Prescott-Russell créera une nouvelle plateforme numérique Prescott-Russell’s regional artc council gets some provincial funding help to improve its digital presence. The Conseil des arts Prescott-Russell Arts Council (CAPRAC) will get $49,200 from the provincial Community Building Fund through the Ontario Trillium Foundation. The provincial grant will help CAPRAC’s efforts to shift its community arts support and advisory programs to a digital platform.

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President YVAN JOLY Directeur des ventes Sales director

améliorée sur son site Web afin d’offrir aux artistes et aux organisations artistiques et culturelles un endroit où exposer leurs créations et promouvoir leurs activités, et de donner aux résidents de la région davantage d’occasions de profiter de la richesse de l’art, de la culture et du patrimoine de la région. The digital platform will also provide tools that encourage public participation in their region<s arts, culture and heritage. CAPRAC will now issue a tender call for digital consultants to bid on the contract for designing and developing the new and improved website setup.

The region’s arts, culture and heritage sectors have felt the impact of the pandemic with cancellation of live exhibits, performance venues, and a reduction in the number of people coming to museums, galleries, and other venues. The digital platform that CAPRAC will create will provide both a venue for local artists to display their works to potential buyers and patrons, and also help with promotion of arts and cultural events that help contribute to the emotional and psycho- logical health of people having to deal with self-isolation or limited activities available to them during lockdown periods. “It is a question of allowing (arts and culture) organizations to continue to propel

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