UNDERSTAND SCIATICA MAKING MOVES TO Do I Really Have Sciatica? Sciatica is one of the most overused words when referring to posterior leg pain. The majority assumes the achy pain down the back ofthe legor“Sciatica” isthetrueproblem.This assumption isfalseandsteerspeopledownthe wrongpathoftreatment. It is importanttoknow what true Sciatica is and what it is not. What Is Sciatica? The term “Sciatica” means pain down the Sciatic nerve root into the leg. We have very longnerveroots ina fewareasofthebody.This particularroottravelsfromthespinealltheway down to the feet. Sciatic pain means the actual nerve root itself is inflamed at some point in the pathway to the feet. Inflammation is fluid or swelling. This fluid is a problem. The brain talkstothebodybysending“impulses”through nerve roots. When the nerve root is interfered with or blocked, communication stops. When this blockage or kink in the hose occurs due to inflammation, the root signals back to the brain “OUCH” as an alarm. This “ouch” is the body telling the brain that there is a problem somewhere. Communication is not occurring as itshouldandneeds toberestored.Thebody is out of its usual harmony. Pain is the result.
is finding a professional who can help find the true cause. Physical Therapy Will Help Sciatica PhysicalTherapistsaretrained inamultitudeof waystodiagnosethecauseoftheSciatica.Once the Physical Therapist isolates the cause, the pathtopainrelief isclear.Treatmentwill include severaltechniquestorelievethepressurecaused by the problems listed earlier such as stenosis or degenerative discs. Soft tissue mobilization, assisted movement techniques, dry needling, discresorption,unweightedactives,andvarious strengthening exercises are all interventions that can be used to treat the cause. Treating the cause then will treat the symptom or pain known as “Sciatica.” If you are having pain in your legs, call us today!LetMagnoliahelpyoufindandtreatthe true cause. You will on your path to a better life before you know it!
Sciatica Is Not the Problem Sciaticaisthesymptom,notthecause.Therefore, the term has a bad reputation. Many of us feel likewehaveallweneedwhenweourlegpain is diagnosedas“Sciatica.”Inactuality,weonlyhave halfofwhatweneed.Thebadreputationcomes fromthosewhoaretoldtheyhave“Sciatica”and are then given an umbrella of choices to treat it. We often chase each idea until we have, in fact, irritated or worsened our symptoms. The pain can be severe, and to increase it can be debilitating. So What Is the Cause? The legpainknownas“Sciatica”canbecaused by several problems in the spine. Examples of these problems can be Spinal Stenosis or narrowingofthespinalcanal,DegenerativeDisc Disease or a breakdown is the disks between each vertebra, or a simple muscle spasm to name a few. The causes can be vast. The key
STAFF SPOTLIGHT ROBERT SIMMONS , LMT Hi! My name is Robert, and I became a Licensed Massage Therapist(LMT)toheal! IbelieveMassageTherapyhelpsboth physically and mentally. I give my all in each session and I’m dedicatedtohelpingeachperson!Asateenager,Iwouldrubon mymom’sshouldersafteraharddayofwork. Ithinkeveryone needs that kind of care. I love working for Magnolia Physical Therapy because they believe in helping the community live pain–free. That’s a goal I can always get behind!
cabinet.Themassagetherapistuseshisorherbarehandsto handle the stones which helps ensure the stones are not too hot for the client. The heat from the stones has a wonderful way of penetrating through the surface layers of the tissues andmusclesstraight to thebellyof themuscle. It is feels like themuscle isrelaxingfromdeep insidethetissuestothemore superficial outer tissues, instead of the usual outer surface tissues then to thedeeper tissuesnormallyexperiencedwith hands-onlymassage.Thedeeprelaxationofthesurfacetissues andsuperficialnerveendingsmakeshotstonemassagegreat for those with painful superficial tissues, such as those with fibromyalgia. At Magnolia Physical Therapy we do not do a full body hot stone massage, but we do use hot stones often duringtreatmentsessionswhennecessary.Feelfreeto ask your LMT if this form of treatment is right for you!
HotStoneMassage: IamoftenaskedwhatHotStoneMassage isandhowdoes itwork?Hotstonesaretoolsthatthemassage therapistcanusetomassagethebody.Muchunlikethephotos that are usually seen, the stones are not placed stationary on the body, but they are used as extensions of the massage therapist’shandsandused tomassage thesoft tissuesof the desired area of the body. The massage stones, usually made of tumbled lava rock due to their ability to hold heat, are heated in water or a hot towel
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