16A — October 12 - 25, 2012 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
P eople on the M ove
As dir. of operations, leasing associate The JCR Companies adds Mo and Briscoe
John Skeparnias and Cheryl Williamson Emory Hill Real Estate Svcs. welcomes two new employees
Arlington, VA — The JCR Companies announced two new members of its team:
experience includes working in the capital markets department at Boston Properties, Invest-
EW CASTLE, DE — Emory Hill Real Es tate Servi ces
commercial real estate for the past eight years. Prior to joining Emory Hill, Skepar-
manager, and as the co-owner of the Boulevard Sports Gar- den. Before joining Emory Hill, Williamson worked as an installation manager and project coordinator with P.J. Fitzpatrick Inc. in Dela- ware. Her roles included coor- dinating schedules, invoicing and collections, accounts re- ceivable, job cost/purchasing, payroll, marketing and qual- ity assurance – many of the same duties she will be per- forming for Emory Hill. n of prematurity in the United States is profound,” Medina noted. “One in eight babies is born early in our country to- day, and the March of Dimes is working to change that. I am honored by the opportunity to support this organization and its compelling mission to help mothers have healthy, full- term pregnancies.” n ducting the linear construction project enjoys the following benefits: (1) they do not need to delineate contamination outside of the excavation area; (2) they may use contaminated soil as fill as long as it does not contain free/residual product or hazardous waste and is con- sistent with NJDEP soil reuse guidance; (3) they are not re- quired to establish or maintain engineering or institutional controls; (4) they are not re- quired to comply with public notification requirements; and (5) they are not required to ob- tain a No FurtherAction (NFA) from the NJDEP or Response Action Outcome (RAO) from a LSRP. The NJDEP issues linear construction guidance. In order to provide better guidance on the linear construc- tion procedures, the NJDEP published a new technical guid- ance document addressing and streamlining linear construc- tion projects. The document is titled Linear Construction Technical Guidance (www. nj.gov/dep/srp/guidance/srra/ lc_guidance.pdf). The guidance specifies how to ensure that contamination encountered during a linear construction project is handled in a prompt and safe manner. The guidance document applies only to those
Ch r i s t i n e Mo a s d i - rector of op- erations and Drew Bris- coe as leas- ing associate. As director of operations, Mo will over-
ment Sales at Granite P a r t n e r s , and the In- v e s t m e n t s department at Rexcorp Realty. A s l e a s - ing associate,
nias worked for several c ompan i e s in York, PA i n c l u d i n g Agora De- velopment w h e r e h e was a devel- opment di-
announced that John Skeparnias has j o ined the firm as a property manager and Cheryl Wil- liamson has been hired as the chief dispatcher in the maintenance division. Skeparnias has worked in
Christine Mo
Drew Briscoe
John Skeparnias Cheryl Williamson
see the day-to-day operations of The JCR Companies. She has over ten years of experi- ence in real estate finance and asset management. Prior to joining The JCR Companies, Mo was vice president at NAI Chesterfield in NYC. Her past
Briscoe will have responsibility for JCR’s retail leasing plat- form. Prior to joining The JCR Companies, he was engaged in leasing and managing a 450,000 s/f shopping center portfolio in the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX area. n “For the past 12 years Mike has been a key member of LCOR’s D.C. team and has been a driving force behind the development of the 4.5 million s/f North Bethesda Center proj- ect and redevelopment of the 204-acre COMSAT property in Clarksburg. n linear construction project in accordance with the NJDEP’s technical guidance. The linear construction entity should also secure the contaminated area to prevent public access, estab- lish procedures to manage soil excavation and reuse, ensure that adequate capping mea- sures and engineering controls are implemented, and properly dispose of contaminated mate- rial. Finally, it is important to note that the guidance document does not relieve a linear con- struction entity from complying with more stringent require- ments that may be imposed by other applicable statutes or regulations or pursuant to permit provisions. The NJDEP has been offering compliance assistance to local governmental entities and has published fact sheets to clarify when an entity is responsible for SRRA compliance. The lin- ear construction regulations help streamline the process but do not address the extent to which the neighboring property owner will be obligated to reme- diate the contamination discov- ered during these projects. Daniele Cervino is a part- ner and Kristin Makar is an associate of the Parsippany, NJ law firm of Golub & Isa- bel, PC. n
rector, Sigma Commercial Realty as a commercial real estate agent and property
Cushman &Wakefield’s Medina to chair March of Dimes Hudson & Essex/Union March for Babies
BETHESDA, MD — LCOR has announced that Michael Smith , a 25-year industry vet- eran, has been named senior vice president of LCOR’s Wash- ington D.C. area office. In his role, Smith will continue lead- ing the development of LCOR’s Metro Washington D.C. urban mixed-use real estate develop- LCOR chooses Smith as senior VP of dev. ment opportunities.
EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ — Cushman & Wake-
son and Essex/Union March for Babies events. In this ca- pacity, he will work to develop sustainable relationships that will support the nonprofit organization’s efforts to pre- vent pre-term births. In essence,Medinawill serve as the “face” for two March for Babies walks that will take place next April. “The issue person who encounters con- tamination during a linear construction project. Histori- cally, linear construction proj- ects were treated in the same manner as any other remedial cases. With the understanding that persons conducting linear construction projects are often not responsible parties un- der the Spill Act, the NJDEP adopted new regulations and created special procedures for the remediation of contamina- tion encountered during linear construction projects. Accord- ing to the NJDEP statements in the rule adoption, the intent of the new regulations is to create a more flexible regula- tory scheme that will impose fewer requirements on persons conducting linear construction projects while also ensuring the health and safety of the public. In essence, the goal of the new regulations is to ensure management of the contamination encountered during a linear construction project by allowing a person to handle the contamination in a streamlined, cost-effective and protective manner. The new regulations provide several advantages for persons conducting linear construction projects that the old regula- tions foreclosed. For example, the person responsible for con-
field, Inc.’s Gualberto “Gi l ” Me- d i n a h a s been named chairperson for the 2013 Ma r c h o f Dimes Hud-
Gil Medina
continued from page 2A Impact of SRRA on Local Government and Utilities Cleanup Obligations . . .
linear construction entities that are not responsible parties under the Spill Act or the New Jersey Underground Storage Tank law. Overall, the guidance docu- ment identifies the best man- agement practices for handling contamination discovered dur- ing a linear construction proj- ect. Before the construction begins, the linear construction entity should perform proper due diligence and background research on the proposed route of the project in order to iden- tify any environmental condi- tions. The linear construction entity should also develop a pre-construction sampling plan along the entire route of the project in order to identify po- tential contamination and draft a materials management plan to provide a set of procedures to employ if contamination is dis- covered. The materials man- agement plan should include provisions that address both soil and water management. If contamination is suspected or discovered prior to or dur- ing the linear construction project, the person conduct- ing the project should hire a LSRP, submit a notification form to the NJDEP, submit a final report to the NJDEP after the work is done, pay all applicable fees, and conduct the
to a rateable. Significantly, a local governmental entity that voluntarily decides to under- take remediation at any site must pay certain annual reme- diation fees, hire a LSRP, and ensure that the remediation is conducted pursuant to all appli- cable rules and regulations. A local governmental entity that is not a responsible party is not obligated, however, to pay the annual remediation fees dur- ing the years in which it is not funding the remediation and is not required to complete the remediation within the manda- tory time frames established in the SRRA. What are the new stream- lined procedures for linear construction projects? One important area in which local governmental entities and utilities often participate in remedial cleanups and may en- counter contamination is linear construction projects. A linear construction project is defined as a project to create, maintain, or alter a roadway, railway, or utility that crosses one or more contaminated properties and will generate more than 200 cubic yards of contaminated soil. The regulations governing linear construction projects, N.J.A.C. 7:26-16, specify the requirements and fees for a
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