10B — October 12 - 25, 2012 — New Jersey — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
s outherN N ew J ersey
Third annual business sentiment survey MER’s Business Sentiment Survey 2012 Southern New Jersey Small Business report
he Mangan, Ernst & Rankin Wealth Management Group
MER’s founding partners, notes they were fortunate to speak to many of the same business owners in 2010, 2011,
and again this year – three crucial years in an uncertain economy. “It has been very in- teresting to see how the senti-
ment of small business owners has changed against the back- drop of some rather volatile macroeconomics,” Mangan said. “To us, it is compelling to see such a distinct disconnect in what would typically be a correlated sentiment situa- tion – how business owners feel relative to the economic data. Usually the two are cor- related – i.e., a good economy translates typically into good feelings.” SouthernNew Jersey’s small businesses have adapted to the economy, through creativity,
aggressive cost cutting, harder and smarter work practices and the pure determination by the owners – to survive. The U.S. economy is “better” today than 2010, yet MER’s research indicates business owners’ confidence has not risen, nor has hiring or capi- tal spending. In terms of the actual macro U.S. economic health, from a metrics stand- point or number of consecutive quarters above the recession line, the economy has been more stable over the survey’s timeframe than it was prior to MER’s first survey year (2010). Interesting to note – business owners are more pessimistic today about the future of the U.S. economy than they have been previously. Nearly 67% of those surveyed this year have a pessimistic outlook of our economy vs. 43% three years ago. Lack of economic and politi- cal predictability continues to plague decision makers. Only 31% of businesses plan to in- crease capital spending this year in stark contrast to the 61% that increased capital spending in 2011. MER con- cluded that the lack of capital expansion is not because of in- ability to access financing, but rather concern over the lack of long-term tax policy, uncer- tainty with the U.S. political system, continued high unem- ployment, increased business regulatory issues and the fear that Europe’s woes will drag our economy down farther – these are what continue to keep business owners from taking on additional risk. While the quantitative sur- vey results do not point to robust growth in the near fu- ture, the qualitative sentiment results indicate that a pick up could be on the horizon. “Sim- ply put, if the primarily politi- cally induced hurdles clear in the near future, business own- ers will begin to be more com- fortable psychologically taking risk,” said Mangan. Based on the qualitative results, or sentiment indicators of the MER survey, their opinion is that in spite of the broader macro-economic issues plagu- ing small businesses, if there is the slightest change in policy and regulations at the political level, MER believes next year’s results and out- look will be stronger than this year’s. n
of Janney Montgomery Scott (MER) recently con- ducted its third annual busi- ness sentiment survey focus- ing on southern New Jersey’s small businesses. More than 85 small businesses, creating approximately half a trillion dollars in annual sales and employing more than 2,000 employees were strategical- ly selected to participate in MER’s survey. Clark Mangan , one of
Southern New Jersey’s small businesses have adapted to the economy, through creativity, aggressive cost cutting, harder and smarter work practices and the pure determination by the owners – to survive.
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500 Richards Run Burlington, NJ 08016
1819 Route 130 Burlington, NJ 08016
3000 Cindel Drive Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
Type: Sq Ft:
Type: Sq Ft:
Type: Sq Ft:
68,130/0 ofc
103,508/5,000 ofc
209,657/27,272 ofc
DI /TG: 0/9 Features: ESFR, T5 lights, 30' clr,
DI /TG: 5/16 Features: 23’ clr, 2600 amps, NJ
DI /TG: 1/20 Features: 2000 amps, 322 parking spaces, new TPO roof, NJ Transit train
immediate access to NJ Turnpike, NJ Transit commuter rail stop
transit commuter rail stop, immed. access to NJ Trnpk
11000 Midlantic Drive Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
2704 Cindel Drive Delran, NJ 08075
2800 Cindel Drive Delran, NJ 08075
Type: Sq Ft:
Type: Sq Ft:
Type: Sq Ft:
66,867/28,557 ofc
49,100/3,444 ofc
94,989/9,400 ofc
DI /TG: 1/7 Features: 1600 amps, TPO roof, 24' clr, direct access to I-295
DI /TG: 1/8 Features: 30' clr, 600 amps,
DI /TG: 1/6 Features: ESFR sprinkler system, 1000 amps, 26' clr
hd sprinkler, Cambridge heating, addtnl loading
2703 Cindel Drive Delran, NJ 08075
100 Mount Holly Bypass Lumberton, NJ 08048
6000 Midlantic Drive Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Type: Sq Ft:
Type: Sq Ft:
Type: Sq Ft:
84,927/4,472 ofc
162,744/112,945 ofc
Suites Vary Features: Class A offices,
DI /TG: 1/14 Features: 30' clr, T5 lighting, ESFR, additional loading opps
DI /TG: 1/4 Features: 3000 amps, 13 acre site, 500 parking spaces, 50,000 sq ft a/c warehouse
direct access to I-295, award-winning building
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