recommended the setting to the listed building (no. 79 Whiteladies Road) is improved by either removing built form away from it to create greater visual and physical separation, which would justify an increase in height say to two-storeys adjacent to Hampton Lane, or restricting the height/scale/mass of the building behind no. 79 to single-storey (lower than the existing building in that location), and then increasing height at the eastern end (say to 1.5 storey). 5.7 A gable roof form, with the first floor partially within the roof in keeping with the vernacular along this lane 7 , is recommended. 5.8 The potential for existing rights to light should be explored, which will also determine whether the proposed height/scale/massing is acceptable in terms of any impact on the amenity of neighbouring habitable rooms (which is a planning consideration). 5.9 No windows should be proposed in the side (north and south) elevations of any replacement building in order to ensure the development potential of adjoining land is not compromised. 5.10 The position of windows needs careful consideration to ensure there are no unacceptable levels of direct overlooking to the detriment of existing residential amenity. All habitable rooms should have a good quality outlook and natural daylight levels. The Council applies the National Space Standards for new dwellings, and these would need to be adhered to (see the Technical Requirements as well as the GIA/storage requirements in Table 1). 5.11 It is advised that the existing building line on Hampton Lane established by the building is respected as this will off-set any increase in height from a townscape and residential amenity perspective. 5.12 The historic stone walls on the party boundaries should be retained and could perhaps be repaired in a more sensitive manner, to deliver heritage gain.
7 Established by the backland development to the rear of no’s. 67-73 Whiteladies Road
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