
August 16 - 20 août

More than a century of cheesemaking The St. Albert Milk Co-Op has been part of the life of the vil- lage for more than a century since Damase Meilleur founded the first cheesemaking operation in the area in 1880.

up with both market demands and provincial quality regulations. The cheese factory earned a repu- tation for quality and during the 1990s at one point sold more than $11.7 million worth of dairy products. The St-Albert Curd Festival debuted in 1994 in tribute to the economic role of the cheese factory in the community. The new century saw for good and bad fortune for the St-Albert Cheese Factory. In 2009 the co-op bought the Mirabel Cheese Factory in the Laurentian region of Québec. Four years later the original cheese factory was destroyed by fire. But out of the ashes, a new St-Albert Cheese Factory arose, bigger and better and still making award-win- ning cheese and curds.

The St-Albert Cheese Factory itself became a reality more than a decade later on Jan. 8, 1894. The co-op went through some ups and downs, at one point being sold to a private interest. It was later bought back by the commu- nity as a co-operative just as World War Two began. By the end of the next decade, the co-op membership numbered 126 and it continued to develop into one of the economic giants of the community, expanding and improving production capacity during the 1960s and 1970s to keep

Découpage de fenêtres et de portes. Installation d'encadrements de soupiraux. Bris, enlèvement et réparation de béton. - Sciage de murs - Découpage électrique de dalles (avec notre propre alimentation électrique) - Sciage de dalles et de rues - Carottage - Découpage de bordures de trottoirs - Broyage de béton - Service d'excavatrice et de chargeuse « skid steer »

Bon festival!



Passez d’excellents moments lors du Festival de la Curd!

613 741-7561 1 800 500-2735 «Service bilingue» LÀ OÙ LE SERVICE FAIT LA DIFFÉRENCE!

Tél: 613 764-9308 Téléc. : 613 764-0169

870, ch. Aurèle Casselman, ON

Passez d’excellents moments lors du festival de la Curd! Location de compteur frontal 2-3-4-5-6-9-8 verges Sylvain Laflèche 613 223-0817 Location de conteneur Roll-off 10-20-30-40 verges Jean-Jacques Lafontaine 613 223-0741

Desjardins, fier partenaire

Parce que dans chaque communauté, il y a des rêves, des projets et des gens

du Festival de la Curd

pour les réaliser.

Campbell & Sabourin LLP/s.r.l. Bar r i s te r s & So l i c i tor s s Avoca t s e t Not a i re s

Bon festival!

James D. Campbell B.A., LL.B. Chantal J. Sabourin B.A., LL.B.

Adam S.R. Williamson B.A. (Hon.), J.D. Brendan J.D. Walker B.Sc., LL.B.

613-443-5683 | 1 - 165 rue Bay Street, Embrun, ON K0A 1W1

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