Times have been changing faster than they normally do these past few months, and we’ve been forced to change how we do many things on a daily basis. While some of those changes, such as working from home and eating out less, might be temporary, some changes may remain long after this pandemic is behind us. At Phillips & Blow, PC, we’ve used this season of change to reevaluate how we go about helping our clients. We want to make sure you are aware of one particular practice that will make things run far more smoothly for us and for our clients: We have started scanning all signed documents and making them available on a disc drive. Before we made this change, we only had hard copies of documents signed by our clients. Clients would come into the office, sign the documents, and then we would put them in a portfolio binder. The system, while maybe not ideal, was adequate until it became unsafe for people to leave their homes. Once the stay-at-home orders were issued, we needed another way to get those documents to our clients without having to come into the office. We hope making these documents available for our clients to view from their homes helps them stay safe. We also hope, in the long run, this change will make it easier to keep track of your estate planning documents. This pandemic may irrevocably change the ways we interact and how we do business with one another. However, not every change has been for the worse. By using this time to optimize how we work with one another, we can make sure we come out of this a more efficient society. The Latest Changes at Our Offices We Are Now Scanning All Signed Documents
Feeling Renewed at Any Age 2Ways to Revive Your LifeThis Summer
If the mercurial spring weather has prevented you from getting out as much as you would have liked these past few months, you might be feeling a bit of cabin fever about now. Luckily, you can still introduce positive changes to your life that help you feel healthier and younger. Here are two ways to awaken your body and mind.
As you get older, it’s not uncommon to drift further from the lifestyle you had in your 20s and 30s. Things have settled down, and you know a bit more about who you are, what you enjoy, and what you’re capable of. With this better understanding, you can make choices more aligned with your true interests and personality. Think about getting involved with a new activity you may have always wanted to try but never had the chance, like yoga or even a video game. Trying out new things keeps your brain active. You may even discover a new favorite activity along the way!
Although more years provide more experience and knowledge, sometimes they also come with heavy baggage. The loss of a loved one, trauma, and other struggles can impact your life in later years. This is why it’s good to practice mindfulness. Take some time to focus on the present. Go for a walk and listen to the world around you, feel the fresh air against your skin, fill your lungs, and take in everything you can see. Meditation is also a good way to spend a few minutes to focus on your body in the moment and the things in life that make you happy. Practices like these can help you feel lighter, both physically and emotionally.
Growing older doesn’t mean you can’t feel renewed and positive. This isn’t just an impossible idea — it’s a reality.
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