Diversity Equity Inclusion Strategic Plan_March03_2021



GOAL 1: Recruit and retain a diverse graduate student body. STRATEGY A: PROVIDE EQUITABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO EXPAND PhD FELLOWSHIPS TO SUPPORT ONE PROGRAM PARTICIPANT PER YEAR PER DEPARTMENT A college-level committee comprised of a representative from the Dean’s Cabinet along with representatives from the social sciences and humanities will lead this effort in partnership with the university-wide Graduate Education Office. The program will welcome the first cohort in the Fall of 2021, with the goal of doubling the size by Fall of 2025. STRATEGY B: DEVELOP PROGRAMS FOR IMPROVING THE PIPELINE OF PhD STUDENTS BY BUILDING ON EXISTING UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL STRATEGY C: FIFTH-YEAR MASTERS BRIDGE PROGRAM Dean’s Office, Department Heads. Timeline: Infrastructure to improve the pipeline developed and supported by summer 2022, Fifth-year Master’s Bridge program committee pilots program by Fall 2024. STRATEGY D: DEVELOP AN INVENTORY OF MASTERS PROGRAMS TO EVALUATE THE INDICATORS USED BY DEPARTMENTS TO ADMIT PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS Masters Program Inventory; Dean’s Office, Department Heads. Timeline: Fall 2020 with an anticipated completion date by the Summer of 2021. GOAL 2: Provide an equitable and inclusive environment for graduate students. STRATEGY A: DATA COLLECTION Dean’s Office, Data Driven Diversity Lab Partners: Institutional Research, President’s Climate Task Force. STRATEGY B: INSTITUTE MENTORSHIP TRAINING TO ALL FACULTY ADVISORS THAT ARE SPECIFIC TO THE NEEDS OF FIRST-GENERATION GRADUATE STUDENTS AND THOSE FROM URM POPULATIONS Academic Advisors, Eberly Center, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Director, Associate Dean of Students. STRATEGY C: ESTABLISH ANNUAL COLLEGE-WIDE EVENTS FOR INFORMATION AND INTERFACING BETWEEN STUDENTS AND ADMINISTRATION Department heads, Dean’s Office, campus groups and stakeholders.



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