Diversity Equity Inclusion Strategic Plan_March03_2021



GOAL 1: Recruit and retain a diverse graduate student body. STRATEGY A: PROVIDE EQUITABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO EXPAND PhD FELLOWSHIPS TO SUPPORT ONE PROGRAM PARTICIPANT PER YEAR PER DEPARTMENT Departments’ financial reports reflect equitable dispursement of support. STRATEGY B: DEVELOP PROGRAMS FOR IMPROVING THE PIPELINE OF PhD STUDENTS BY BUILDING ON EXISTING UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL Infrastructure to support existing programs through funds and human capital is finalized. STRATEGY C: FIFTH-YEAR MASTERS BRIDGE PROGRAM The resources required for such a program are substantial, as every student would have to receive tuition waiver and a stipend. Anecdotal experience suggests that a bridge-to-PhD program could attract good students who would be successful here, but are otherwise are missed during recruitment. If successful, the endeavor could help increase diversity among the graduate population. STRATEGY D: DEVELOP AN INVENTORY OF MASTERS PROGRAMS TO EVALUATE THE INDICATORS USED BY DEPARTMENTS TO ADMIT PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS Departments’ financial reports reflect equitable disbursement of support. See Appendix: Graduate Students for additional details. GOAL2: Provide an equitable and inclusive environment for graduate students. STRATEGY A: DATA COLLECTION Human capital (i.e., time, labor, material goods and faculty time) for gathering and analyzing data toward the end of better understanding campus climate. STRATEGY B: INSTITUTE MENTORSHIP TRAINING TO ALL FACULTY ADVISORS THAT ARE SPECIFIC TO THE NEEDS OF FIRST-GENERATION GRADUATE STUDENTS AND THOSE FROM URM POPULATIONS While current resources exist at the Eberly Center, Global Communication Center and Center for Diversity and Inclusion, a graduate student’s primary advisor is best positioned to assess the needs of each individual graduate student in Dietrich College. STRATEGY C: ESTABLISH ANNUAL COLLEGE-WIDE EVENTS FOR INFORMATION AND INTERFACING BETWEEN STUDENTS AND ADMINISTRATION To ensure the distribution of accurate, up-to-date information we suggest two annual events: 1) an orientation for incoming Dietrich graduate students and 2) a yearly town hall hosted by the Dean’s Office. The orientation will provide all students with information about existing resources and support for first-generation URM students, and any of students of need. The annual town hall offers an opportunity for Dietrich College students to raise graduate-specific concerns, acting as a mechanism for feedback and redress of grievances. These events should be organized by the Dean’s Office, with representatives from existing campus groups and organizations. STAFF



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