Real progress has been made in appointing more women into department head 2 and college leadership 3 roles, although much more work remains as we strive to hire, promote and retain more women in faculty and staff positions. Members of the Dietrich College community have provided compelling anecdotal evidence of issues regarding climate; however, this strategic plan is the first time the college has made a commitment to systematically collect and analyze data on the environment in which our faculty, staff and students learn and work. In 2017, Dietrich College hired Ayana Ledford as its first director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Work began on a number of initiatives (see below) to make the college a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all. In spring 2019, the college began a year-long strategic effort in diversity, equity and inclusion in coordination with efforts at the provost’s level. Ledford chaired a committee of over 20 faculty members, staff and students tasked to develop strategic plans for four sub-groups: faculty, staff, undergraduate students and graduate students. Bess Family Dean Richard Scheines tasked each sub-group to research where we are now, formulate goals for where we want to be in 5 to 10 years and articulate concrete strategies for getting us there. Committee members formulated the goals and strategies included in this plan. Their recommendations reflect feedback garnered from over 200 members of the Dietrich College community through open listening sessions and discussion groups. While the strategic planning effort took place, the college started to implement several efforts related to diversity, equity and inclusion. The chart below highlights these actions. ONGOING COMMITMENTS • Developed new appointment processes for assistant/associate deans and department heads • Established new faculty hiring procedures • Hosted faculty training on inclusive teaching practices with the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation • Increased funding for student-led programming • Piloted a staff professional development series • Reimagined orientation programming to include DEI topics for students and new faculty As we introduce our strategic plan and lead or contribute to university-wide commitments to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive, we have created an initial list (subject to revision) of actions we intend to prioritize. This list of actions builds on our on-going efforts to advance a climate that fosters inclusion within Dietrich College. These efforts include evaluation and monitoring of our climate through focus groups, third-party surveys, and on-going discussion groups with undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty. Additionally, investing in the retention and success of all our members through messaging, curricular and co-curricular
2 Over the last five years, six of eight new department head appointments were women. 3 Over the last five years, seven of eight new assistant or associate dean appointments were women.
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