Al Jazeera Documentary was launched in 2007, and Al Jazeera Sports was also incorporated as one of the network’s channels, falling under the network’s central financial administration. In 2008, a human rights division was created as part of the newsroom, which then became Al Jazeera Public Liberties and Human Rights Centre in 2015. This ex- pansion was followed by organisational, administrative, financial, legal and technological development. At this point, the notion of the network crystallised more clearly. With the number of channels, platforms, sec- tors and external bureaus, and the administrative, financial and legal complications this presented, Al Jazeera’s high-level leadership began to rely on more comprehensive strategic planning. The strategic plan- ning process began to include advance planning with an emphasis on the institution’s message, existence, future vision and desired short-and long-term goals. Also, in this period, and as a result of Al Jazeera’s expansion and the addition of Al Jazeera Sports, the network’s financial management saw important developments. The network’s cost centres were launched, a system of budget regulations and procedures was implemented, and employees began receiving notice of all financial transactions electron- ically. Instead of using individual payment orders to fulfil financial ob- ligations, the network began to fulfil them by payment batches. In this context, a ledger was created specifically for broadcast and external centre employees, and the Salary and Wages Unit was split from the fi- nancial administration. This was when the network’s efficient manage- ment practices began to solidify, and the job description process began at the structural level, with tasks assigned according to specific objec- tives. This was in conjunction with laying solid foundations for motiva- tion, compensation, and internal organisation, which further developed systems and stability as the organisation entered its third institutional development phase. This phase was characterised by the establishment of a support- ive culture reflected in the institution’s broader culture, adapted work practices, and humane interactions. This approach, which seeks to empower employees, has manifested itself in a set of values that have been incorporated into Al Jazeera’s values, code of ethics, and conduct. The Human Resources department developed at the organisational and
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