The Newsletter Pro July 2018



W hiteboard Geeks is a company that makes professional whiteboard animations for all kinds of clients, from law firms to nonprofits. We’ve been working with The Newsletter Pro on our monthly mailer since May of 2015, and I have to say that the whole thing has been like hitting the business-partner lottery! The Newsletter Pros are easy to work with, they’re experts in their fields, and they can help you make even the most technical content seem like reading a novel for fun. Right now, our newsletter goes out to current clients, and after starting the newsletter, we’ve had several people come back for repeat business. It definitely doesn’t hurt to have a monthly reminder sent out to clients! Our company has grown and expanded a lot since we started, and The Newsletter Pro team has been so infinitely patient and knowledgeable. I’m excited about the fact that they partner with us while we’re growing. Our project manager has been an absolute rock in helping get the newsletter out for us, and the writer’s content has been fantastic and spot-on. Honestly, my favorite thing about the newsletter is getting to work with these guys. They’re so much fun! I also love receiving the newsletter each month and having the finished product in front of me, interesting and full of color. THE PROS + THE GEEKS = SUCCESS

I’ve known my friend Bud now for 16 years. I originally met Bud when I started my dry cleaning business. He was a mentor, and we quickly became friends. Bud is a successful entrepreneur and does very well with his dry cleaning and lawn mowing businesses. The issue is that he has become too comfortable. He makes great money, and although he has wanted to sell the dry cleaning company for years, it has literally been the business that primarily supported his family for the last 20 years. He now feels trapped by the business. Can you relate, either now or with a previous business? I’M STUCK AND DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO! HELP! WANT TO BUILD A BRAND THAT CUSTOMERS LOVE? Gary Vaynerchuk’s ‘Crushing It’ Will Show You How What started as an unfussy, innovative approach to selling wine — Wine Library TV — turned Gary Vaynerchuk’s family liquor business from doing $4 million in sales to $60 million. Known to most followers as Gary V., the man has since become a media mogul with a frenzied social media following. As his followers can attest, if you want to know how (and why) to build your personal brand, listen to Gary V. Vaynerchuk’s new book “Crushing It! How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence — and How You Can, Too” is part celebration of the entrepreneurs who’ve followed his advice and part guide to implementing it. If his earlier book, “Crush It,” was a lecture on the importance of using the internet for businesses, the new version is a love letter to all those who’ve found success by following that advice. Written in his characteristic no-nonsense style, “Crushing It” is approachable enough that any reader — from a business vet to a newbie — can follow along. His first piece of advice about building your brand? If you don’t have a business Facebook page, make one. He gives a nod to the parade of other OUR BOOKSHELF

– Annie Blackburn Assistant Creative Consultant




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