RI Annual Report 2023

Active Ownership


Active Ownership

Being an active owner is central to the integration of ESG in our Responsible Investment approach. Our active ownership activities span all of our products.

We believe that active ownership is a powerful way to protect shareholder value, enhance long-term returns and foster posi- tive change27. We are convinced that ensuring good ESG prac- tices in our funds’ holdings is an important part of safeguard- ing the long-term interests of shareholders and society. When we want to improve a company’s management of its ESG risks, we exercise our ownership right to support and influence the company.

Whist we are prepared to exclude companies when deemed necessary, our experience proves that active ownership is often a more effective tool to improve ESG performance, manage risk and identify opportunities. Our active ownership efforts include engagement, proxy voting, attending annual general meetings and contributing to the development of industry environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards.

27) There can be no warranty that an investment objective, targeted returns and results of an investment structure is achieved. The value of your investment can go up and down, and you could lose some or all of your invested money.

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