20-Day Training Guide for The System University

WEEK THREE – Learning to Close the Sale If you are unable to help a family make the decisions to secure the protectionthat pre-planning provides them, then nothing else’s matters.

This week, you are going to learn how to help your prospect make the decision to secure the protection and peace of mind gives them when they plan before a time of need. You will discover that no family will ever say no to the responsibility. However, many of them will say “Not now.” In more cases than not, this is simply a form of stalling or putting this discussion off, because it has to do with their death. Your job as a caring professional is to effectively manage past their objections and help them make a decision they are most likely never going to make with you.

DAY 11

Daily Drill Down Address any concerns or questions you may have from the day before TSU Free Video: “I Forgot”

Role Play the C.R.I.S.P. referral method. If needed re-watch the System Short on C.R.I.S.P. Role Play any objections to setting the appointment that may be giving you a challenge

TSU Free Video: “Seasonal Objections” (System Short: Run Time 12:35)

Discuss any concerns you have or areas you feel you need to improve your prospecting activities and outcomes. TSU Classroom Video : “The Closing Process” Discuss what you learned and/or what questions you may have regarding the closing process. Counselor Online Library: “Managing Objections” Role play the warm-up, transition to the PPO, and the PPO presentation. If needed re-watch the classroom video of the PPO Presentation – Part 2. Live Prospectin g: Sales manager’s choice LeadTrak: Enter leads, prospects and/or appointments into LeadTrak Q & A: Ask any questions for clarification or a better understanding of the concepts and materials covered today, if needed Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Initials Signifying Completion:



Sales Manager

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