Outcomes Report 2017-2018
Committee Highlights
Health & Safety Committee
The Health & Safety (H&S) Committee provided orientation to new staff/practicum students/volunteers during Options Orientation Workshop. This orientation is facilitated by Options Health & Safety Chair and other committee members. H&S meetings are being held at various Options program sites in order to gain a greater and clearer understanding of the unique health and safety issues pertaining to individual programs. This promotes greater membership within the organization and participation amongst committee members.
Quality Improvements H&S reviewed Incident/Investigation reporting requirements Re-structure:
Since the last report the structure of the committee was changed to reflect representation from Employer , Union Worker (BCGEU) and Worker - Non Union . There are Three Reps and Three Alternates under each category (One Rep, One Alt for Union) for a total of 14. Attendance by Rep or Alternate is mandatory. These changes help to align the structure of the committee to meet the requirements of the BC Health and Safety Regulations.
Training: All new and returning committee members attended an 8 hour course on
Responsibilities of the Health and Safety Committee Part 1 and are confirmed for Part 2 of the training this January 30th. The course is put on by the BC Federation of Labour.
New Initiatives:
In addition to the above training, some members have taken Mental Health First Aid training and Critical Incident De-briefing training. The emphasis on Mental Health "First Aid" has increased with the addition of Mental Health "Safety Talks" which we are subscribed to and distribute monthly/regularly to H&S Committee Members as an education component for each program. An updated Health and Safety Manual has been drafted by HR. This includes updates and revisions to Monthly Drills to make them current and relevant to the Options Programs. (Includes participation in the October ShakeOut Program Province Wide and addition of an AED Drill) The Health and Safety Component of the Options Orientation Program is currently being updated as well and train the trainer method is implemented to have committee members trained to present/facilitate the health and safety component.
Options Community Services
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