Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — December 12 - 18, 2014 — 15A
M id A tlantic
C entral PA
Including 4,000 s/f at Midway Plaza, 855-859 East Main St., Dallastown, PA LMS Commercial Real Estate executes 6,382 s/f in leases
ALLASTOWN, PA – LMS Commercial Real Estate , a pri-
vately owned real estate com- pany based in Lancaster, has recently arranged a 4,000 s/f lease with The Meadows Fro- zen Custard for premises at Midway Plaza, 855-859 East Main St., Dallastown. The Meadows Frozen Cus- tard will join Papa John’s Pizza and AutoZone at Mid- way Plaza, which is located off of PA Rte. 74. The tenant was represented by Blake Gross of LMS Commercial Real Estate. ELIZABETHTOWN, PA — LMS Commercial Real Es- tate arranged a 2,382 s/f lease withMid Penn Bank for prem- ises at 2305 South Market St., Elizabethtown. The former Graystone Bank is located on the heavily-traveled Rte.230 (South Market Street) & is conveniently located between Elizabethtown and Mount Joy. The landlord was rep- resented by Gross & Travis Riley of LMS Commercial Real Estate. n Benchmark Construction hires Roda as VP of Strategic Growth BROWNSTOWN, PA — Benchmark Construc- tion Company of Brown-
855-859 East Main St.
2305 South Market St.
41 MARTHA DRIVE BERKS PARK 78 | BETHEL, PA 750,000 SF Under Construction - Projected Delivery 1Q15 36’ Ceiling Heights
9747 COMMERCE CIRCLE ARCADIAWEST INDUSTRIAL PARK|NEWSMITHVILLE,PA 384,834 SF (211,134 SF Immediate;138,456 SFAvailable 3Q15) 32’ Ceiling Heights
stown has hi red Te - resa Roda a s v i c e p r e s i d e n t of strategic growth. Roda will be respon- sible for de- fining mar-
25 KEYSTONE BOULEVARD PROLOGIS POTTSVILLE | POTTSVILLE, PA 455,000 SF Existing w/ Expansion Pad of 850,850 SF; Totaling 1,305,850 SF | 36’ Ceiling Heights
1 AMES DRIVE LOGISTICENTER CARLISLE | CARLISLE, PA 602,260 SF Under Construction - Projected Delivery 3Q15 36’ Ceiling Heights
Teresa Roda
ket initiatives and directing the firm’s strategic growth. She brings over 25 years of professional business de- velopment experience to Benchmark. Roda was previously em- ployed as president of Roda & Company, a full-service marketing, advertising, me- dia strategy and public rela- tions firm. Roda received her Bach- elor of Science degree from Georgetown University and a Master of Public Adminis- tration from George Wash- ington University. Roda and her family reside in Lancaster. n
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