
Real Estate Journal — New Jersey — December 12 - 18, 2014 — 15B


M id A tlantic

N ew J ersey

“The Direct Install savings was dramatic. Any business that isn’t taking advantage is missing a great opportunity.” Gene Muller Founder, Flying Fish Brewing Company 70% of the cost.

Middlebrook Crossroads leasing led by Jeffrey Furey Transwestern tapped to lease 583,618 s/f of flex space

NEW JERSEY — M&E En- gineers, a New Jersey based firm which has provided me- chanical and electrical con- sulting engineering services throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, celebrated their thirti- eth anniversary November 13, 2014 with a surprise bash hon- oring founder Don Campbell and WilliamAmann who has owned the firm since 1990. William Amann, president of the firm for the past twenty four years and one of the most recognized figures in sustainable engineering in the country, said, “The fields of mechanical and electrical engineering have grown tre- mendously over the past thirty years. I am proud to have been involved in standardizing sus- tainability practices, which are increasingly becoming the norm. I look forward to greater emphasis on high performance buildings in the future and am confident that M&E Engineers will be at the forefront of that progress.” M&E Engineers is an award winning provider of sustain- able mechanical and electri- cal consulting services with a diverse portfolio including some of the most iconic names in telecommunications, manu- facturing, and educational sectors as well as mission critical work for state and local governments. n M&E Engineers celebrates thirty year anniversary nounced it has been selected as the leasing agent for Middle- brook Crossroads, an 18-build- ing business park featuring 583,618 s/f of flex space in Bridgewater. Managing direc- tor Jeffrey Furey , the newest member of Transwestern’s New Jersey team, will lead the leasing team on behalf of the property owner, Terreno Realty Corp . Furey has long served as the RIDGEWATER, NJ — Transwestern ’s New Jersey office an- B Don Campbell (left) and William Amann

leasing agent for Middlebrook Crossroads and increased the buildings’ tenancy by more than 50%. The 18-building property sits on 39 acres and features upgraded roofing, signage and landscaping. “Given Jeff’s outstanding track record of positioning this property, we look forward to continuing this partnership,” said Andrew Burke , senior vice president at Terreno. “We see a great opportunity to con- tinue to draw a wide variety of tenants to the space.” Currently 90% occupied, Middlebrook Crossroads hous-

es tenants ranging from food services to light manufacturing and recreation. “Middlebrook Crossroads, which was one of the first planned industrial parks in the country, is playing a crucial role in the resurgence of domes- tic manufacturing in Somerset County,” Furey said. “This is evident through the park’s high occupancy rate, compared to the 22.3% vacancy rate in the rest of the submarket.” The property’s location be- tween Routes 22 and 28 and near I-287 is a major drawing point for businesses. n

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Property Sale 240-unit Multi-housing Community Hoboken, NJ CURLING CLUB

Property Sale 249,409 SF Class A Office Building Parsippany, NJ 22 SYLVANWAY

Property Sale & Financing 114,964 SF Grocery-anchored Retail Ctr. Jefferson, NJ RIDGE PLAZA

$52,500,000 Financing 446-bed Student Housing Development Ewing Township, NJ CAMPUS TOWN AT TCNJ

$35,000,000 Refinancing 128-unit Multi-housing Community Hoboken, NJ THE METROPOLITAN

$27,200,000 Construction Financing Refrig. Warehouse & Distrib. Facility Avenel, NJ 275 BLAIR ROAD

For investment sales, financing, distressed debt/REO, loan sales, equity recapitalization, restructuring services, or advisory services, contact HFF.

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