
Protest rally plan rolls along  gŏđŏ

yer and businessman Stéphane J. Lalonde. Gadoua expressed optimism about reach- ing the original goal of 200 placard-waving participants for the gathering and he hopes even more will show up at the community centre next Monday. “It’s a call for all citizens to come out and show up, walk and talk, andmake their voic- es heard,” he said. The breach of trust charges against the three council members resulted from police investigation of a series of email exchanges between them and Lalonde following the 2010 municipal election. The main con- tent of the emails concerned an alleged plan to force Daniel Gatien, then chief ad- ministrative officer for the City of Clarence- Rockland, out of office. Lalonde faces an additional charge of counselling to commit breach of trust. Gadoua emphasized that one of the aims of the rally is to encourage the three mem- bers of council charged in the case to step down from their seats on their own accord because they no longer have the confi- dence of the community and should “pre- serve the integrity of the positions of mu-

by cancelling the Oct. 7 committee of the whole session. Rally organizers will just re- schedule their gathering for the next coun- cil meeting. “Whenever the next one is, we’ll be there,” he said. “The message remains the same. It would just be temporarily postponing the inevitable.”

nicipal council and mayor” for the city. “They’ve lost the moral compass to be able to make decisions on our behalf,” Gad- oua said. “It is an appeal to their moral con- science to do what is best for the City of Clarence-Rockland.” Gadoua indicated it would not matter if there is an attempt to foil the protest rally


Plans are progressing for a parade of pick- et signs to greet council members prior to their first meeting of the autumn season. Robert Gadoua, one of the representa- tives for the movement, reported satisfac- tion at the number of people promising to be outside the Bourget Community Centre Monday evening, Oct. 7, for a protest rally before the start of the committee of the whole council session at 7:15 p.m. “We’re at about 125 confirmed,” Gadoua said during a phone interview Oct. 1, “and that’s just from one location.” Gadoua noted that most of the confirmed protest attendees have signed on through les Citoyens de Clarence-Rockland Citizens page on Facebook. The call for attendance at the rally went out soon after the mid-September OPP an- nouncement of criminal charges against Mayor Marcel Guibord, council members Di- ane Choinière and Guy Félio, and local law-

OPP officer needs help to help others after a police officer’s child, named Mat- thew, was diagnosed with leukemia.

HAWKESBURY | They’re called Matthew’s Mud Dogs and they need your help. Const. Jean-François Meloche at the Hawkesbury OPP detachment and his bud- dies from the OPP East Region Emergency Response Team are on the run this weekend in the Sears Great Canadian Run fundraiser for children’s cancer research and treat- ment. On Oct. 5 they and other teams of runners throughout Canada will run 100-ki- lometre relays. The route for the Mud Dogs is from Ottawa down to Lefaivre and then across the Ottawa River to finish up in Mon- tebello, QC. The Mud Dogs teamed up three years ago

“The team is looking forward to taking the challenge again this year,” said Const. Meloche. Their first year out the Mud Dogs raised about $15,000 for childhood cancer re- search. Their second time the tally was close to $10,000. This year they hope to make at least $10,000 again and better if they can. Anyone wishing to pledge Matthew’s Mud Dogs can go online at http//sears- Home.aspx?seid=6497&pid=1516749&m id=9.

Open House Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Part of Lots 20-21-22, Concession 1 (O.S.), Geographic Township of Clarence City of Clarence-Rockland, County of Russell

Portes Ouvertes Évaluation environnementale de portée générale Partie des lots 20-21-22, concession 1 (O.S.), ancien Canton de Clarence, Maintenant la Cité de Clarence-Rockland, Comté de Russell

Riverlands of Rockland Inc. (pour Regional Group of Companies) est fier de vous annoncer le début du processus sous la Loi sur les évaluations environnementales pour la propriété décrite comme étant une partie des lots 20, 21 et 22, concession 1 (Old Survey), ancien Canton de Clarence, maintenant à l’intérieur de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland pour les terrains à Clarence Point, tel qu’illustré sur la carte ci-dessous.

Riverlands of Rockland Inc. (c/o Regional Group of Companies) is pleased to announce the commencement of an Environmental Assessment Act process for the lands legally known as Part of Lots 20, 21 and 22, Concession 1 (Old Survey), Geographic Township of Clarence, in the City of Clarence Rockland for the lands within Clarence Point, as shown on the key plan below.

The purpose of the Open House is to present the municipal sanitary and water servicing options for the Study Area, including the preferred alternative.

Le but de cette soirée portes ouvertes est de présenter les options pour les services d’aqueduc et d’égout sanitaire municipaux pour la région d’étude, en incluant l’option préférée.

The future servicing options for the Study Area are intimately tied to the servicing and approval of the Draft Plan of Subdivision and will be considered through with Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.

Les options futures pour desservir la région d’étude dépendent des services disponibles et de l’approbation de l’ébauche de plan de lotissement qui seront considérées dans les Phases 1 et 2 de l’évaluation environnementale de portée générale.

Public consultation is an important part of the process. We are interested in hearing your comments and feedback. The Public Open House will be held as follows:

La consultation publique est une partie importante du processus. Nous sommes intéressés à entendre vos commentaires et vos opinions. La soirée portes ouvertes se tiendra :

Date: Time:

October 9th, 2013


9 octobre, 2013

6:30 pm Location: Clarence-Rockland Town Hall, 1560 Laurier Street, Rockland




Hôtel de ville de Clarence-Rockland, 1560, rue Laurier, Rockland

The Open House will serve to present the study process, background information, and schedule, and will provide the public and interested stakeholders an opportunity to discuss the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Infrastructure options with the project team.

La soirée portes ouvertes servira à présenter les étapes de l’étude, les informations pertinentes et les échéanciers en plus de fournir au public et aux parties prenantes l’opportunité de discuter de l’ébauche de plan de lotissement ainsi que des options d’infrastructures avec l’équipe de projet.

Please send any comments or requests to:

Veuillez soumettre vos commentaires ou requêtes à :

Hugo Lalonde, Planner, MCIP, RPP Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd. 200-240 Michael Cowpland Drive Ottawa, Ontario K2M 1P6 Email: Phone: 613-254-9643 Fax: 613-254-5867

Hugo Lalonde, Urbaniste, MCIP, RPP Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd. 200-240 Promenade Michael Cowpland Ottawa, Ontario K2M 1P6 Courriel: Téléphone: 613-254-9643 Télécopieur: 613-254-5867

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