June 1928
T h e !' K i n g ’ s
B u s i n e s s
anything has been designed and created to begin with, everything has. Let our atheistic friends ascribe it all to chance'ii they desire. “ The word ‘chancel ” says Turton, “ is merely a convenient term for the results o f certain forces of nature when men are unable to calculate them.” Such talk is useless. Even the Evolutionist who thinks his problem through, is forced to admit that there must have been pre vious involution. All forms o f life must have been involved before they could be evolved. The only satisfactory answer to the whole question— the only answer that can bring rest of mind and heart— is that given in the Word o f God, “In the beginning God CREATED the heavens and the earth.’’ M M Modem Wonders and God’s Miracles R oy T a i . mage B rumbaugh A M AZ ING things take place every day. Marvelous in- xlLventions glut the market. The sensational is becom ing painfully commonplace. Not that the commonplace is painful, but the continuity o f the startling bores. No one can deny that this is a wonder age. Yet its wonders fade in the dazzling light o f the supernatural. Millions daily pass under the Hudson River, but the millions of Israel passed through the Red Sea on dry ground. When the inventor of the Monitor gave the world its first iron ship, all laughed at his folly. Today numerous iron ships ply. between continental shores with clock-like regularity. Who but God could make an axhead float ? Although heavier-than-air machines sound the heights of the skies they attract scant attention. Were God again to carry an Elijah to heaven in a whirlwind, even the folk o f this wonder generation would stop and look. Submarines outswim the denizens of the deep. Man explores the caverns of the seas. But can modern science duplicate the miracle of Jonah and the big fish? The watch is a wonderful contrivance. Not only does it go forward with rhythmic step but man can turn it back at will, thus reversing its natural order. Was it more d if ficult for God to turn this rotating earth back ten degrees in the days of Hezekiah than for us to turn our watches back ten minutes ? Science has hastened natural processes so that plants mature and trees bring forth fruit before their time; but can modern science so hasten natural processes that water be turned into wine instanter? Lungs were full of water rather than air. Heart action had ceased, but prompt action revived the drowned per son. Christ said to one who had been dead four days, “ Lazarus, come forth” ; and he came forth at once. Irrigation turns deserts into gardens; civic pride changes slums; education banishes ignorance and super stition; but the Holy Ghost daily transforms weeping children o f the devil into singing sons of God. The miracles of Christianity transcend all scientific wonders. s ist a » Christ, Our Refuge City T HE ancient city o f refuge was a very beautiful type of Christ. Everything was done to render the city easy o f access. It was not to be built in a valley, concealed among trees, but set on a hill, that it might be seen from afar. So “ Christ is exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour,” and “ exalted to show mercy.” The roads leading to it
were to be very wide and spacious. Once every year, the magistrates sent workmen to clear them, and put them into complete repair. So the way to Christ is plain; and it is the work of ministers to keep it clear. God says to them, “ Cast up the highway, take up the stumbling-block, gather out the stones, prepare the way o f my people.” Stones were set up on the road at every crossway, for fear the fugitive should go astray. The word REFUGE ! was written on the stone in large letters, so that one might read as he ran. Thus do faithful preachers and teachers direct sinners to the Saviour, and cry, “ R efuge! ‘Flee from the wrath to come!’ ” The gates were never shut, day nor night; so that at' any hour the manslayer could enter. Christ says, “ Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” The people o f the city were to receive the fugitive and provide him with food and lodging, and everything he needed. So does Christ feed and clothe those who flee to Him. He that believeth shall never hunger nor thirst. There is no want to them that fear Him. This city was for all strangers, as well as for Jews. So Christ is offered alike to all of every kindred and people and nation and tongue.
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