17 2013


Have you ever just wondered to yourself what it would be like? In the past day or two, I’ve been spending the most part of my time down at the local concert hall. It’s not particularly spectacular, but there are, from time to time, some groups which are inspirational. However, if you yearn for a more astute, more professional, more realistic and better-equipped environment, it’s not for you. In fact, I wouldn’t even tell you to come by. But you can, if you so desire. I mean, it’s not like I’m going to force you down there at gunpoint! Anyway, the hall, to put it into musical terminology, is more of a crescendo than anything else. Yes, of course you get your Pianos mixed in with your Fortes, and every so often you might even catch sight of a few Agitatos, if you’re lucky. But the main attraction, the crème de la crème, if you will, is the organ. The rise and fall of the notes, the agile and accented way the hands fall upon the surface, the way it can always affect your decision... potentially even my decision to send you this letter. Come to think of it, you’re probably wondering why I am sending you this anyway, or whether you should read on. After all, I’m really not going anywhere. I’ve made my decision, which, if you really have to know, was greatly affected by the hall. It, in turn, created a separate chain of six eventualities in which each one has the potential to occur or not occur. However, due to some external force, I have chosen to write this all down for you. How thoughtful. Well anyway, this is my first and final warning. There won’t be another. They will come again. Just you wait. I’m sure of it.They’ll be back here

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