
Santa Claus Here comes

Five tips to avoid weight gain this holiday season

Does your scale make you feel guilty after each holiday season? Break the cycle this year and maintain your figure — without sacrificing any fun — by following these five tips.

2. Don’t deprive yourself (too much). Saying no to all of your favourite foods will only lead you to overdoing things later on. Instead, make moderation your mantra and try to eat healthy between parties. 3. Drink in moderation. Even if you’re not driving, try to limit your alcohol consump- tion. In addition to being high-calorie, al- coholic beverages can also stimulate your appetite. 4. Think before you load up your plate. Fill at least half of your plate with veggies and carefully study the different dishes you have to choose from for the other half. Turkey is a good, low-fat option — as long as you go easy on the gravy. Try not to fill up on

1. Don’t skip meals. Avoid skipping lunch in preparation for a gargantuan dinner. If you’re starving before the party even begins, you’re more likely to overindulge.

appetizers, which are often high in calories.

5. Eat slowly. Join the conversation around the dinner table. If you’re busy chatting, you’ll eat more slowly, allowing you to pick up on the signals your body sends once you’ve had enough to eat. If you’re in charge of hosting, try to pre- pare a meal that’s just as healthy as it is delicious. You should also avoid cooking industrial amounts of food; the inevitable leftovers will only lead to more excess. Finally, keep in mind that exercise is a vital part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

Toute l'équipe du Centre de Communication Tech vous souhaite un joyeux temps des fêtes. 613 632-1267 226 Main East, Hawkesbury

Toute l'équipe des Manoirs McGill se joint pour vous remercier de la confiance que vous leur avez accordée durant l'année 2016. Nous vous souhaitons un merveilleux temps des fêtes et une bonne nouvelle année 2017 remplie de bonheur et de santé ! The whole team of McGill Manors wish to thank you for the trusting you have granted them during the year 2016. We wish you a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year 2017 filled withhappiness and health.


342, rue McGill St., Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3V5

613 632-8097 mcgillmanor.com

261, rue McGill St., Hawkesbury, ON K6A 1P9




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