
Santa Claus Here comes

How to prove that Santa stopped at your home on Christmas Eve Are your kids looking for proof that the presents under the tree were indeed delivered by Santa Claus? The jolly old man is known to leave behind bits of evidence in the homes of those who made the nice list, so here are a few things to look for come Christmas morning (and for Mom and Dad to prepare the night before). will be undeniable proof of Santa.

• A letter from Santa. Did Santa enjoy his snack or gift? Maybe he should leave a thank-you note for the kids! Just make sure his handwriting doesn’t look too familiar. • Footprints. Leave boot prints in the snow (or use soot from the fireplace)

• A gift for Santa. Ask your kids to leave a drawing, a card or a handmade gift for Santa to keep. It’s sure to raise his spirits and help him along the rest of his journey. • The half-eaten snack. Have the kids prepare a small snack for Santa and his reindeer (who might lose a bell or two in the snow while they eat). The leftovers

Studio Josée Coiffure unisexe

to trace Santa’s footsteps. You can also leave reindeer tracks in the snow to show where Dasher, Dancer and the others stood to eat their carrots.

like Santa tore his coat on the way down. If you don’t have a chimney, Christmas tree branches will do the trick. • Magic dust. Unbeknownst to him, Santa left a trail of magic dust behind. Spread a bit of glitter around and you’re done!

• Signs of Santa. Leave a piece of red velvety fabric near the chimney to make it seem

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