King's Business - 1919-01

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 4. I will SOW XT in the w orld.- Psa. 119:27.— K. L. B.


2. • 1 Cor. 14.— Unknown Tongues: Unim portant G ift; Unknown Language. 6. Jam es 3.—Unbridled Tongues- Unspiritual Condition; Native Lan- guage R. S. Beal. H I HOW JESUS PRAYED 1. E arnestly— Luke 22:44." 2. Im portunately—Luke 6:12. 3. Mediatorially— Luke 22:32.


1. The Persons— “ye.” 2. The P resen t— ‘‘are .” 3. The Perfection— “ complete.”

4. The P lan——“In H im .” 5. The P atte rn— “H im .”

4. Inspiringly— Luke 1 1 : 1 . 5. T rustfully—Matt. 26:53. 6. R everently— John 17:1. ,7. Publicly— John 6:11. 8. Secretly— Luke 5:16. p i f i g l e a v e s 1. The Covering Fig Leaves.

— R. S. Beal.

THREE HIGHEST DESIRES FOR 1919 1. To be “ in Christ.” Phil. 3:9. 2. To be “ like Christ.” Phil. 2:5. 3. To be “w ith Christ.” Phil. 1:23. •j— (Selected.) WHAT I OUGHT TO DO IN 1919 1. I ough t always to pray. Lk. 18:1. 2. I ough t to obey God ra th e r th an men. Acts. 5:29. 3. I ough t to walk and please God. 1 Thes. 4:1. 4. I ought to give heed to w hat I have heard. Heb. 2:1. 5. I ough t to b ear infirm ities of the weak. Rom. 15:1. 6. I ough t to love others. I Jno. 4:11. 7. I o u g h t to even lay down my life for th e b reth ren if needs be. I Jno. 3:16. — K. L. B. |p “I WILLS” FOR THE NEW YEAR 1. I will walk before the Lord. Psa. 118:9. ' 2. I will bless the Lor

— R. S. Beal.


3 :7 ; 3:21.

Compare The Pseudo-Christian. 1 P et 1-18- 19. 2. The W ithering Fig Leaves. Mat. 21:19. Compare The F ru itless Christian. Jn. 15:6. 3. The Budding Fig Leaves. Matt. 2 4 - 32-33. Compare The Hope of the Christian. Jam es 5'-7-8.- —J. C. Stillious. GOD SUPPLIES ALL NEED There has been a m arked increase in th e am ount of money contributed for foreign missions since th e war began. The China Inland Mission, of which I am th e home director for G reat B ritain, received $125,000 more in the past year th an the year previous, th is am ount providentially being ju st th e sum needed to overcome th e difference in silver exchange, th u s giving th e y ear’s income an equal buying power in China w ith th a t of th e previous year. How gracious of our Heavenly F a th e r to send us ju st th e extra am ount requ ired .”___ Rev. S tu art Holden.

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