ROOSTER Their strong points mahe a shorter, but more impor tant, list . . . . . . They are industrious. . . . They are devoted to their work. . . . They are hind and intelligent. Throughout much o f the Ori ent, the rooster symbolizes a faithful w a tchm an protecting sleeping man against evil spirits who roam at night. His crow drives away the enemy before sunup. While we translate the cock’s crow into a meaningless “Cock-a^doodle-do,” the Japanese believe his message is “ Happi ness to our land.” Therefore, they predict “ happiness and success” for those bom in the Year o f the Rooster. This is intriguing folklore. But Christians know that success is not the secret of happiness. One finds true happiness and joy as one lives in obedience to God. When the Holy Spirit prompts me to stop everything and pray and I obey, I experience joy. When I read the Scripture, the Holy Spirit instructs me and as I obey, joy follows. When I am led by the Spirit to share my faith with a lost one, obedience brings gladness. When I see the need o f another and the Holy Spirit prompts me to give, I leam that “Happiness lies more in giving than in receiv ing” (Acts 20:35, New English Bible ) . Although this is the Year of the Rooster to many Orientals, to me 1969 can be a year of “happiness and success” in my Christian life as I walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit. EE Dr. Dick Hillis is Founder/Director of Overseas Crusades, Inc. Photo by Japan Air Lines. THE KING'S BUSINESS
THE YEAR OF THE by Dick Hillis A ccording to Oriental reckon ing, 1969 is the Year of the Rooster. Legend has it that
Buddha called all the animals in the world to visit him, promising gifts to those who came. Only the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and boar showed up. Each of the twelve animals was given a “year” as his reward in the twelve-year cycle. To the Japanese the rooster is unique. When the angry Sun God dess hid in a cave, leaving the world in darkness, the eight mil lion mythical gods of Japan per suaded the rooster to call her out. The entrance of every Japanese shrine is modeled after the perch on which the rooster sat as he called the Sun Goddess. The long-tailed Tosa cocks are the world’s most famous roosters. Some have tails up to 25 feet long. In order to protect these extravagant adornm en ts, the cocks are compelled to spend their lives on tall perches. When the rooster is grounded for exercise, an attendant carefully holds the delicate tail as a bride’s train is held. The traditional Japanese belief is that in whatever year people are born they will have the man nerisms and traits of the animal o f that year. The list o f weak points o f people bom in the Year of the Rooster includes . . . . . . They believe they are always right. . . . They don9t trust oth ers. . . . At times they are sel fish in nature. . . . They are inclined to be fUled with delu sions of grandeur.
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