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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca NOTHING CAN SCUTTLE LOCAL SUMMER BOATING BUSINESS noted that some boat owners also come in to secure their fuel supply accounts for the summer season.
new trends in recreational water sports like paddle boarding and wake boarding, and provides both sales and service along with demonstrations and instructions on paddle boarding and wake boarding. «People come from everywhere in Ontario and Québec to USZPVUPVSCPBSET vTBJE.BSJF$IBMJGPVY Last month Transport Canada imposed a boating ban on the Ottawa River in response to the surprise spring flooding. That put the May long weekend start of the boat- ing season in drydock. CSurf cannot offer its clients demonstrations and lessons in paddle or wake boarding until the ban is MJGUFE#VUTUBGGBSFTUJMMCVTZXJUIUIFTVQQMZ sales side of business, which includes a line of paddle boards, wet suits, and other items for water recreation enthusiasts. Cancellation of the U.S. tariff on Canadian steel is good news for steel- workers at Ivaco Rolling Mill in L’Orignal. “It did start off the long weekend pretty good,” said Richard Leblanc, local union TQPLFTNBOGPS6OJUFE4UFFMXPSLFST$BOBEB 64$ *WBDPBOEUIF64$JTTVFEBKPJOUOFXT SFMFBTFFYQSFTTJOHUIFJSSFMJFGBUBOBHSFF - NFOUCFUXFFO$BOBEBBOEUIF6OJUFE4UBUFT to cancel the 25 per cent tariff placed on Canadian steel a year ago by President Donald Trump. “The removal of these tariffs is great news to our workers and community,” stated the news release. The Friday before the May long weekend, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he and President Trump had worked out an agreement for elimination “within 48 hours” of the tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum which the president had imposed in June 2018. Trump has claimed “national security concerns” for the 25 per cent tariff on steel and 10 per cent tariff on aluminum imports from Canada. At the time, political pundits noted, both countries were deadlocked on OFHPUJBUJPOTGPSBUSFBUZUPSFQMBDFUIF/PSUI American Free Trade Agreement. In return for lifting the steel and aluminum tariffs, Canada would remove the retaliatory tariffs JUIBEJNQPTFEPOBWBSJFUZPG64QSPEVDUT The steel tariff over the past year had an impact on Ivaco’s operations. In April the company announced layoffs of 50 workers BTBSFTVMUPGUIFUBSJGGTFGGFDUPOJUT64 market. Removal of the tariff may result in the company rehiring but that will depend POTBMFTPGTUFFMQSPEVDUTEVSJOHUIFOFYU few months. ę7KDWZRQĜWKDSSHQ ULJKW DZD\Ě VDLG /HEODQFDGGLQJ WKDW WKH OD\RIIVHDUOLHU WKLV\HDUUHVXOWHGIURPWKHęWULFNOHGRZQ HIIHFWĚRI WKH86 VWHHO WDULII ę,WGLGQĜW KDYHDQLPPHGLDWHLPSDFWRQXV,WWRRN VRPHIHZPRQWKVWRDIIHFWWKLQJVKHUH %XWDWOHDVWQRZWKHUHLVOLJKWDWWKHHQG RIWKHWXQQHOĚ Protect Canadian steel 3FNPWBMPGUIF64UBSJGGEPFTOPUNFBO GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Transport Canada has now lifted the ban on the upper portion of the Ottawa River. The regional conservation authorities have also cancelled their flood warnings for the Ottawa River. As of press time Tuesday, the lower sec- tion, which includes Wendover and Hawkes- bury on the Ontario side and Grenville on the Québec side, was still closed to boating. $IBMJGPVYBOEPUIFSCVTJOFTTPXOFST XIPTF trade depends on summer boating tourism, are optimistic that all of the river will soon be open again. «When it (ban) lifts, everybody will be DBMMJOHVTBUPODF v$IBMJGPVYTBJEj8F IPQFJUTHPJOHUPCFTPPO#FGPSF$BOBEB Day, at least.»
The Ottawa River spring flood has de- layed but cannot stop the start of the summer boating season. “The good news is that I’m not flooded,” joked Christian Sortin, owner/operator of the Golden Anchor Marina in Hawkesbury. He is one of several local business owners who cater to boat owners and are waiting for Transport Canada to give the green light to recreational boating all along the Ottawa River. The marina, which provides moorage and other services for boaters during the summer season, has clients bringing their boats in for general inspection and servicing, including any minor mechanical repairs and other pre-season maintenance needs. Sortin
/FYUEPPSUPUIFNBSJOB BU5IF#PBU 5PQ4IPQ 4FSHFBOE$IFSZM#SB[FBVBOE their staff are busy with orders for making or repairing boat covers and upholstery, in advance of the season. Their business also caters to a wide range of other heavy fabrication requests, including pool covers. «We do all kinds of stuff,» said Cheryl #SB[FBV BEEJOHUIBUUIFGFEFSBMCPBUJOHCBO has not hurt their operation. «If anything, it’s increased our business,» she added. «Some folks think, ‘Well, since I can’t go boating yet, I’ll get this (cover work) done.’» #VTJOFTTXBTBCJUTMPXFSUIBOVTVBM GPSTQSJOHBUUIF$4VSG#PBSE4IPQ MPDBUFE on the second floor of the Golden Anchor Marina building. The focus for CSurf is the
Un tarif américain punitif sur les importations d’acier canadien a enfin disparu et c’est une bonne nouvelle pour les travailleurs de l’aciérie Ivaco Rolling Mills à L’Orignal. Maintenant, le syndicat qui représente les métallurgistes à l’usine veut que tous les principaux partis politiques, qui se disputent l’appui des électeurs aux élections fédérales de cette année, s’engagent à protéger l’industrie canadienne de l’acier contre la concurrence étrangère déloyale ou les politiques gouvernementales. —photo Gregg Chamberlain an end to the problems facing the Canadian steel industry. i5IJTEPFTOUàYFWFSZUIJOH uTBJE-FCMBOD i5IFZ 64 KVTUHBWFVTCBDLXIBUUIFZ took away.” 5IF64$IBTQSFTFOUFEBCSJFGUPUIF federal government outlining actions the union believes Ottawa must take to protect Canada’s steel industry from unfair govern- ment policies like the Trump steel tariff and unfair competition from China and other countries which try to dump cheap steel on the local market. The union plans to demand commitments from all three major parties during the current federal election for support and protection of the Canadian steel industry. “The Canadian government still needs to impose critical measures to defend the Canadian steel sector against import surges and unfair trade practices,” said Leblanc. “Our steel sector and our workers are still at risk from predatory practices.”
Cheryl Brazeau, de The Boat Top Shop à Hawkesbury, travaille sur une nouvelle housse de dériveur pour un de ses clients. L’interdiction fédérale de la navigation de plaisance sur la rivière des Outaouais, en raison des inondations printanières, a peut-être repoussé le début de la saison estivale de navigation de plaisance. Cependant, les entreprises dont le gagne-pain dépend de la navigation de plaisance sont toujours occupées par les demandes de leurs clients pour divers travaux de réparation ou de modernisation et autres services, en attendant que Transports Canada lève cette interdiction. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398
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