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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN PRESCOTT-RUSSELL TRANSPO CONSULTATION OFF TO A GOOD START to accommodate at least two riders with NPCJMJUZJTTVFT6$13TUBGGBSFBMTPMPPLJOH into the feasibility of partnerships with other groups to assist residents in outlying rural areas get to central pickup sites on the transit routes. TDIFEVMFEGPS.BZJO4BJOU&VHÍOF &BTU )BXLFTCVSZ5PXOTIJQ BOE.BZJO#PVSHFU  in Clarence-Rockland. Details are at . The online survey is at https://www. in both French and English. Copies of the survey are also distributed through the public feedback sessions.

The public consultation process for a public transit project for Prescott- Russell is off to a good start. The first of several “town hall” type information and feedback meetings on the PR Transpo project took place in community centres in Vankleek Hill, Limoges, BOE1MBOUBHFOFU5IF6OJUFE$PVOUJFTPG Prescott-Russell is sponsoring the project. 6$13SFQSFTFOUBUJWFT*TBCFMMF1ÊMBEFBVBOE Annie Grenier noted that an online survey has gathered more than 1100 responses “This is very, very good,” said Grenier. i:PVSGFFECBDLPOXIBUZPVXBOU PSXIBU ZPVUIJOLZPVOFFE XJMMIFMQVT u1ÊMBEFBV added during the April 30 consultation session in Vankleek Hill. Some of the residents expressed concerns about not being able to take the transit system for work, as it was mentioned that some routes would only be offered two days a week. “If I am going to work, I am going to need transport that is more frequent,” one of them said. 5IF 6$13 SFDFJWFE  NJMMJPO JO provincial funding to develop an inter- NVOJDJQBMUSBOTJUTFSWJDF5IF6$13XJMM CVEHFU FBDIZFBSGPSUIFQSPHSBN PR Transpo will link all eight municipalities with a schedule of regular stops in most villages and towns. PR Transpo The proposal calls for two buses, each XJUIQBTTFOHFSDBQBDJUZBOEFRVJQQFE

1ÊMBEFBVOPUFEUIBUUIFàOBM135SBOTQP setup might see three 10-passenger size buses used instead, to provide more frequent route trips and stops. Feedback from the first three public meetings indicate that public demand and need for regular daily regional transit service is greater than anticipated. “So we could go with more buses” she said, “and have one more to make more TUPQT#VUXFIBWFUPDIFDLXJUI.JOJTUSZ of Transportation regulations first.” PR Transpo will link with existing public transit systems in Russell Township and the City of Clarence-Rockland, which have transfer connections with OC Transpo in 0UUBXB1ÊMBEFBVOPUFEUIBUIFSEFQBSUNFOU would also look at possible partnerships with local taxi companies and program like 6CFSBOE'MZU UPCSJOHQFPQMFJOPVUMZJOH areas of the region to central hub sites for PR Transpo connections. “People are happy to take part in the DPOTVMUBUJPO u TBJE 1ÊMBEFBV i5IFZ BSF saying it’s high time for Prescott-Russell to have a public transit system.” 3JHIUOPXUIFGPDVTGPS6$13TUBGGBOE consultants is on gathering feedback and suggestions from residents, to draft the final route schedule for the service, along with pickup and dropoff points, and develop a user fee setup. Feedback meetings are

Isabelle Péladeau (à gauche), chef de projet du projet PR Transpo, s’entretient avec des résidents des régions de Hawkesbury, du canton de Champlain et du canton de Hawkesbury Est, après une présentation le 30 avril à Vankleek Hill, sur le programme régional qui est proposé comme mode de transport public. Les Comtés unis de Prescott-Russell procèdent actuellement à une consultation publique afin de recueillir de l’information et des suggestions auprès des résidents, avant d’élaborer l’horaire du service, qui devrait être mis en service plus tard cette année. -photo Gregg Chamberlain —photo Gregg Chamberlain


UN SUPERBE CADEAU POUR LA FÊTE DESMÈRES! La Soirée Saphir, présentée ce 11 mai, c’est l’un des évènements les plus en vue d’Ottawa! On y reconnaît des femmes francophones d’exception dans leur milieu professionnel. La cinquième édition (sous le thème d’Un regard vers l’avenir ) promet : divertissement, musique, repas gastronomique, tirage d’un véritable saphir et plus encore! PROMOTION : Achetez deux billets pour la soirée et obtenez trois billets en prévision du tirage du saphir.

May 4 in popular culture is Star Wars Day, as in May the Fourth be with you. So, it seemed the right day for the 57th SD&G Highlanders cadet group to put on a promotion drive during Farmers Market Saturday, at Vankleek Hill Collegiate. Joining in on the fun were Darth Vader (MCpl. Nicolas Cyr), cadets Mélanie Quevillon and Rian MacMillan, and Jedi Master Yoda (cadets’ chairwoman Alichia Brady). The cadets meet Wednesday evenings at the school and welcome new recruits. Imperial Stormtroopers need not apply. —photo Gregg Chamberlain


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