Blue Sky PT. Relieving Neck Pain

Finding Relief From Neck Pain Staying A Neck Ahead Of Chronic Pain

Sometimes, neck pain develops after a particular injury such as an athletic injury or as a result of a car accident or a slip and fallaccident.Whenthishappens,yourpaincouldbearesultofa musclestrainorsprain.Whenthis isthecase,usingtraditional methods likehotandcoldtherapyandtargetedphysicaltherapy treatmentcandoa lottoalleviatethepain.However,attempting exercises on your own could result in further pain. In some cases, mechanical neck pain can develop as a result of changes in the neck joints. This may develop as a result of a disc collapsing, which causes the space between the bones to narrow, often causing bones to strike one another, resulting in pain. When this isn’t addressed, mechanical neck pain can spread, causing the pain to become more severe and refer to a wider range of the neck. Finally,neckpain issometimescausedbyradiculopathy,which refers to pressure or irritation in the nerves of the neck which alterstheelectricalsignals intheneck,causingyoutofeelmore pain throughout the day. Physical therapy can help reduce the pressure and irritation surrounding the nerves, often offering immediate relief from pain and discomfort. These are just some of the frequent causes of neck pain. It is important that you never assume that your neck pain is being causedbyoneofthese issues. Instead,youshouldalwayswork witha licensedandexperiencedphysicaltherapisttodetermine the precise cause of your pain and discomfort.

Neck pain can be both debilitating and terrifying. When you experience an injury that causes severe pain in your neck, the thoughtofnotbeingabletofreelyturnyourheadisoverwhelmingly stressful. What’s more, the pain itself is unbearable, and since the neck is so sensitive to injury, it is important to be as careful as possible in seeking treatment and solutions for the pain. It is incredibletorealizehowcommonneckpain is—especially amongAmericanadults!Morethantwo-thirdsofU.S.adultswill developneckpainat leastonce in their life,and thereasons for theneckpainareasvariedasthepopulationofthenation itself. Injury,musclestrainandevenstresscancausesignificantpain in the neck and upper back. If you are not careful, a neck injury canleadtochronicpain. It isevenpossibleforchronicheadaches like migraines to develop as a result of regular neck pain. How To Approach Neck Pain There are a lot of different ways that you can relieve neck pain, butthebesttreatmentforyourpersonalneedsdependsentirely on the type of injury that you’ve experienced. If your pain develops gradually over time and is not the result of any particular injury, it may be a result of degenerative disc disease. When this develops, you may experience chronic neck painasaresultof fluid-filledsacsthatarebecomingweakened over time as a result of stress and strain. Physical therapy can helpalleviatethepainfromdegenerativediscdiseasebyhelping restore blood circulation and improve range of motion in the neck.Thistherapy isapproached inacarefulanddeliberateway so as to not cause further pain in the neck region.

Call Blue Sky Physical Therapy at 303.388.1537 or visit to schedule your appointment today!

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