
$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5  r  $ 0 . . 6 / " 6 5 ­ VANKLEEK HILL NON-PROFITS GET A BREAK ON GRANTS


for what to do with their grant money. The options were return unused funds to the township, use the money for another town- ship council-approved project this year, or keep the money and use it for the same project next year. The Porchfest Committee was the sole non-profit that chose to return its $700 since the popular local music festival did not take place and the committee had no expenses that need covering. The Vankleek Hill Sunshine Euchre Club for seniors, the Vankleek Hill Skating Club, Ski-Vent-Clic, the Vankleek Hill Historical Society, Banque alimentaire de L’Orignal, M"ODJFOOF 1SJTPO EF -0SJHOBM 0ME +BJM museum group, and Patrimoine L’Orignal Longueuil Heritage, Vankleek Hill Sports $MVC BOEUIF"SCPS(BMMFSZ$VMUVSBM$FOUSF all reported their operation plans for 2020 were either unaffected or they were able to

use their grants for related projects with township council’s approval. That accounted for $16,315 in grant allocations. Council approved the requests from the Vankleek Hill Curling Club, the Vankleek Hill "HSJDVMUVSBM4PDJFUZ  UIF)JHHJOTPO5PXFS Committee, the Eastern Prescott-Russell .JOPS)PDLFZ"TTPDJBUJPO  UIF7BOLMFFL )JMM'JEEMFBOE%BODF"TTPDJBUJPO BOEUIF Seniors Christmas Gala group to keep their grants because of the pandemic’s impact on their operations this year. That accounts for $10,149 in grants.

The pandemic wrecked a lot of plans this year for non-profit groups in Champlain Township who operate local tourist at- tractions or provide special community services. Township council members listened with sympathy during their September 10 teleconference session to a report from administration on the number of non-profit groups and community service groups who received community aid grants as part of this year’s municipal budget and then had their operation plans suspended because of COVID-19. The 2020 budget included $26,464 in community grant allocations among 16 non- profit groups. For many of the groups, their planned activities were either cancelled or restricted because of the pandemic so they either spent none or very little of their grant. The report also noted that for several of the non-profit groups, the community grant proved the sole source of revenue they had for the season because their other fundrais- ing activities were either cancelled or very limited because of the pandemic. The township asked for a report from all the non-profits on the status of their projects and programs for 2020, whether or not they were able to use any or none of their grant, and what they wanted to do with their grant. "MMUIFHSPVQTXFSFHJWFOUISFFPQUJPOT

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The Higginson Tower Committee and other non-profit groups in Champlain Township found a sympathetic ear among township council members regarding their unused community HSBOUGVOETGPSUIJTZFBS.BOZHSPVQTIBEUP cancel planned events and programs this year because of the pandemic and council agreed with requests to either allow the non-profit groups to use their grant money for other projects or keep the money for use next year. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

Liza Langevin Agente de projets

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