GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
projects, including designing and building a new picnic shelter at another site within the park area. The review would also have recommendations for financing new park projects, including possible partnerships between the municipality and local commu- nity groups and service clubs. The tennis courts continue to be a popular feature of the park but the playing surface needs rebuilding. Scott’s report noted the rock base below the court pavement is not good and the clay subsoil is part of the rea- son for the pavement heaving and cracking. She recommended rebuilding the west court surface next spring, along with new fencing and other features. The east court surface cannot be repaired because of the subsurface ground condition. The new, smaller tennis court area would be suitable for both tennis and pickleball and cost one third the price of trying to redo the surface of the original double-court setup. Council approved Scott’s recommenda- tions for decommissioning the old picnic shelter and for rehabilitating the tennis court. The 2021 municipal budget discussion will include funds for the tennis court work and also money to cover tent rentals for com- munity activities in the park next year that would have used the picnic shelter. Council also approved doing a review next year of the needs for Jean-Paul Charlebois Park and for the parks and recreation depart- ment to work with a local committee on project priorities for the park and fundraising for those projects.
A new look for some areas of the neigh- bourhood park in Saint-Bernardin is in the future and residents will have a chance to make suggestions. The paving for the tennis courts at Jean-Paul Charlebois Park in St-Bernardin is cracked with weeds and grass growing tall and undisturbed because nobody has played games there all year thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. The park hasn’t had many people there for a while either because of the pandemic though now it is open again to residents so long as they follow pandemic public health protocols. Future plans for the popular commu- nity park were part of a recent report from Recreation Director Carol Ann Scott to The /BUJPODPVODJM5IFNBJOJUFNTJOUIFSFQPSU were the tennis courts and the picnic shelter. The picnic shelter has begun to show its age. In 2017 the department got a quote of $20,000 for the cost to repair the shelter and with inflation now, the cost could be more than $25,000. Scott noted that the shelter has seen occasional use over the past few years “but its location is not ideal.” She recommended that the shelter be demolished and the muni- cipality do a review next year of the entire layout and design of the community park, with input from residents and user groups. The aim of the review would be developing a priority list for future park development
The picnic shelter at Jean-Paul Charlebois Parc in Saint-Bernardin has gotten old and is no longer suitable for family use. The Nation council agreed with a parks and recreation department recommendation to have the structure torn down and to prepare a public consultation process for creating a new picnic shelter on another site within the community park area . —photo Gregg Chamberlain
La réouverture sécuritaire des écoles nous tient tous à cœur.
C’est pourquoi, avec la collaboration de responsables de la santé, de conseils scolaires et d’éducateurs, le gouvernement de l’Ontario a élaboré un plan exhaustif qui permettra de veiller à la sécurité des élèves et du personnel.
• Des mesures visant le respect de la distance physique seront appliquées : séparation des pupitres, affiches, indications au sol et couloirs à sens unique. • Le port du masque sera obligatoire pour le personnel et les élèves de la 4 e à la 12 e année. • L’hygiène des mains sera renforcée grâce à la désinfection et au lavage des mains. • Il y aura plus de personnel infirmier dans les écoles. • Les mesures visant le nettoyage des écoles seront améliorées.
Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario.
Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario. Visitez ontario.ca/ReouvertureDesEcoles
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