Grants available
1H0 or by Paypal at
Le Nichoir
Wylie, who joined Le Nichoir eight
years ago, is the only qualified song bird
Last April, Le Nichoir’s Benefit Dinner and
Raisin Region and South Nation
rehabilitator in the province and is the
Auction “For the Birds” raised more than
Conservation Authorities are partnering
youngest board member of the
$24,000 which will help cover some of the
with the Provincial government to deliver
drive soars
International Wildlife Rehabilitation
operational costs such as food, medicine and
over $300,000 ingrants to fundprojects that
the hiring of students.
protectmunicipal drinkingwater. Projects
Le Nichoir Wild Bird Rehabilitation
“The great generosity of the community,
include: septic system repairs or
Centre isaCanadianregisterednon-profit
participants and itemdonorswas tremendous
replacements, well upgrades or
again this year. The Centre is very grateful
decommissioning, erosion protection, and
Founded in 1994, the Centre has cared
again to those who continue to make such a
agricultural best management practices.
for thousandsof injuredor orphanedwild
positive impact on Le Nichoir and its
Le Nichoir Wild Bird Rehabilitation
“Certain projects are funded at up to 80%
birds, hundredsofducklingsandreturned
conservation efforts,” adds Wylie.
of the total cost, so it’s a really great time to
them to their natural habitat.
Mark your calendars: Le Nichoir’s Open
its new conservation centre campaign.
Le Nichoir hires students for the
House will be held Saturday, July 16.
“Fund-raising is going well, and Le
gets the benefit of a significant cost savings,
summer to provide daily and necessary
Wildcard will be held on November 19, for
Nichoir is very grateful for the public’s
andour sourcesofmunicipaldrinkingwater
care and volunteers are at the heart of
the benefit of Le Nichoir’s new Wild Bird
are better protected,” said Stewardship
daily activities.
Conservation Centre Project.
in the community and region,” says centre
Program Project Lead, Ronda Boutz.
Le Nichoir has become an educational
For more information, contact SusanWylie
Executive Director Susan Wylie.
Approved projects must be completed
resource well known for its expertise and
at (450) 458-2809 or
The Centre cared for more than 1 400
and paperwork submitted by December 1,
is the largest rehabilitation centre for
To make a donation, send contributions to
injured or orphaned wild birds and many
2012. Program information is available at
songbirds in Canada.
Le Nichoir: 637 Main Road, Hudson QC J0P
ducklings brought by the public last year
La fin des classes, on fête en grand chez Kia Grenville
En juin, avec tout achat d’un véhicule neuf ou usagé courez la chance de gagner : Une passe saisonnière
au parc aquatique Calypso
valeur de 200 $
piscine d’une valeur de 2 000 $
BBQ NAPOLEON d’une valeur de 600 $
vélo d’une valeur de 600 $
Nous avons dépêcher plu- sieurs cadeaux pour récompenser nos clients!
45, rue Maple, Grenville 1 855 291-4230 • 819 242-0115
Jean-Luc Deslauriers
Lyne Bérubé
Joël Pepin
Stéphanie Charlebois
Marc Ranger
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