The biggest thing
since the 417
The project was endorsed by the LHIN in
May, 2010 and listed as a priority by the
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term
Care in November of last year.
The much-discussed expansion of the
Sketch plans are near completion and the
Hawkesbury andDistrict General Hospital
project will reach the pre-construction stage
is advancing on paper as scheduled.
this summer. The additions are considered
If all goes as planned, construction of the
$98 million addition will begin in 2013, says
Marc LeBoutillier, chief executive officer of
and code compliance. Infrastructure
the HGH.
limitations aredetrimental topatient access,
“Itwill be one of the biggest projects in the
clinical service development and a healthy
history of Prescott-Russell,” saidChamplain
work place.”
Local Health IntegrationNetworkCEOAlex
There are threemain components. Anew
Munter during a recent visit. “It will be the
ambulatory carepavilion, 60,000 square feet
biggest thing since Highway 417.”
on two floors, on the west side, will
Like the four-lane highway, the new
consolidate all specialty clinics, out-patient
facilities are to have a long-term impact on
rehabilitation, dialysis and cardiology
the region – the new wings are to ensure the
hospital meets the needs of the community
A new perioperative department, 8,600
for the next 25 years.
square feet, will be built in the current open
With the province expected to fund the
courtyardandwill includeOR, day surgery,
bulk of the cost, a $14 million local fund-
endoscopy and minor surgery.
raising target has been set.
The east wing expansion will be carried
To date, the hospital and its foundation
out on two floors. On Level 1, about 15,500
have secured about $13 million over the last
square feet, emergency services will be
three years.
expanded and the intensive care unit
A final $1 million community fund drive
relocated; on level 2, about 8,600 square feet,
is set to be conducted in 2011-2012.
New dental clinic
the clinic on the second floor of the hospital.
For more information, call the Eastern
Ontario Health Unit at 613-933-1375 or 1-
800-267-7120, and ask for Health Line.
Low-income families in the region have
“Dental health is an important factor in
good reason to smile after the opening of a
overall health,” points out Medical Officer
new dental clinic at the Hawkesbury and
of Health Dr. Paul Roumeliotis. “I am
District General Hospital.
delighted that we can offer this service to
The service, the result of a partnership
area children, who otherwise would have
between the Eastern Ontario Health Unit
no access to such care. I am grateful for the
and the HGH, will be offered free of charge
to children 17 and under who don’t have
the HGH.”
access to any form of dental coverage.
Through the Healthy Smiles Ontario (HSO)
covers a full range of preventive and early
program, children who meet the eligible
treatment dental services including check-
criteria will be able to receive treatment at
ups, cleaning, fillings, X-rays. The program
will complement existing dental care
programs already offered by the EOHU for
children aged 17 and under. These include
the Children inNeed of Treatment (CINOT)
programwhich provides free urgent dental
services to eligible children whose parents
have no dental insurance and can’t afford
Works (OW)Childprogramwhichprovides
basic dental care for eligible childrenwhose
parents are recipients of OW.
“This partnership between the EOHU
and the HGH is an important part in
providing the most complete and best
MarcLalonde. “Recognizingtheimportance
of this program for our region’s youth, the
The Lowest Price, starts Friday, June 24 th to Thursday June 30 th 2011 ALL ITEMS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, NO RAINCHECKS www.pricechopper.ca.
Hawkesbury & District General Hospital is
proud to be able to partner with the EOHU
by providing the space and tools for the
Marc LeBoutillier
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