explains the present persecutions of churchmen in Soviet-controlled states in central Europe. In a decree issued by the Soviet Government on May 1, 1932, it was declared that “ the very conception o f God will be banished from the boundaries o f the Soviet Union.” Not one official word has been spoken since by the Soviet Union that would lead us to believe that the Soviets have altered that determina tion. Thus the war between God and Gog foretold by Ezekiel, is on! It was not on before the Russian Revo lution o f 1917.' “ Gog” officially stands to profane all that is called God. The profanities o f the Soviet government, have been too horrible to put into print. We shall not attempt to describe them here. But it is to be noted that the Jehovah o f Israel says in connection with the judgment to fall upon “ Gog” : “ Neither will I suffer my holy name to be profaned any more” (39: 7 ). Where dwells that great atheistic “ prince o f Rosh” ? It is written: “ Thou shalt come from thy place out o f the uttermost parts of the north” (38 :15 ). See also, 39:2. Now, go study your map, and see the location o f Russia. There she lies, sprawling around the North Pole, all the way' irom the Baltic Sea to the Bering Strait, her flag floating over one- sixth o f the land surface o f the earth. No nation is farther north. Russia and only Russia dwells in the “place” o f “ Gog.” When “ Gog” begins his fatal march “ out o f the uttermost parts o f the north,” there will be “ many peoples” (38:15) with him. And, more than twenty-five centuries ago, the prophet o f God did not hesitate to name the allied hosts o f “ the prince” -—-even “ Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer, Togar- mah” (3 8 :5 ,6 )—every last one of them allied with Communistic Russia today. All o f them are located in west- central Asia, except Gomer. Now, the German people are the descendants of Gomer. More than ten years ago, when I wrote my book, Russian Events in the Light o f Bible Prophecy, and went into detail to show that Stalin, and not Hitler, would be the winner o f the war, and that the “ Gomer” of Ezekiel was none other than Ger many, my critics were legion. Re member I wrote when Hitler seemed to be headed toward world dominion. Well, who is in Berlin today? A clear interpretation o f Daniel’s great proph ecy o f the willful king, the Antichrist, in Daniel 11, would indicate that the A U G U S T , 1 9 5 0
Against the dark, threatening war clouds of the present day, “ We have . . . a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unzo a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts” (2 Pet. 1:19).
earth for all horses fit for battle, bought them, and sent them to Rus sia. Other nations may put their trust in gasoline for mobile purposes if they wish to do so. But the wily old northern bear scents the possibility o f bombs breaking up the oil fields of the earth to such an extent that the great gas-propelled war machines will be stalled in their tracks— “ out o f gas!” If that day comes, the na tion that has the horses will rule the earth — so reasons the Communist chieftains. Once again, when “ Gog” goes forth to war, what country will he invade? It will not be America. Practical men o f war know that an invasion o f America by the hosts described by Page Eleven
great foes o f the Antichrist, to be overthrown by him, will come “ out o f the east and out o f the north” ' (Dan. 11:44). Would the fulfillment of this prophecy involve the great masses of China and some other Asi atic states? I do not doubt it..Recent events in China have not been sur prising to me. Again, when “ the prince of Rosh” comes forth from his northern den with “ all his hordes,” they will come “ all o f them riding upon horses, a great company and a mighty army (38:15, Cf. 38 :4 ; Dan. 11:40). Who is it that owns a full one-half o f all the horseflesh on the face o f the earth today? Russia! The agents o f Stalin, before World War II, scoured the
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