Sjajna i glamurozna kapija Atinske rivijere mesto je gde meštani idu u šoping i zabavljaju se pored mora This shiny and glamorous gateway to the Athens Riviera is where locals head to shop and have fun beside the sea
cale boutiques, palm trees and style-conscious, outdoor cafés. Beneath it all, though, Glyfada’s social side remains refreshingly grounded, wi- th souvlaki fast-food joints, cinemas and markets sha- ring street space with tren- dy bars. Its main thoroughfare, Me- taxa Street, runs from Agiou Konstantinou cathedral and represents a long, open-air shopping mall of internatio- nal and Greek fashion chains and fast-food outlets. Glyfa- da’s prettier, greener and more interesting side streets present a village vibe and an ever-changing carousel of new tastes and brands. The extended thoroughfare of Kyprou, running parallel to Metaxa, oozes with the gla- mour of the trendy trattorias, edgy boutiques, French delis and concept stores. Kyprou is ground zero for serious shoppers who aren’t intere- sted in Metaxa’s high-street trinkets. The Coast The Glyfada seafront is lined by a string of perfectly-servi- ceable public beaches, some offering free parasols. Pun- ctuated by several marinas and cafes, they’re within ea- sy reach of Athens city cen- tre by tram or bus (the third beach has the better sand and cleaner water). Many lo- cals are happy enough to co- ol off here, but those seeking a little luxury head for the considerably more fashiona- ble and photogenic Asteras Beach Resort, situated about a kilometre further south.
fićima na otvorenom prosto znaju šta znači imati stila. Ali ispod tog fensi glamura nalazi se jedna druželjubiva Glifada, pristupačna svima, sa suvlaki restoranima, bio - skopima i pijacama koje de- le ulični prostor sa trendi ba - rovima. Glavna ulica Metaksa, ko - ja vodi od katedrale Agiu Konstantinu, zapravo je du - gačak tržni centar na otvo - renom sa međunarodnim i grčkim modnim lancima i prodavnicama brze hrane. Lepše, zelenije i interesan - tnije sporedne ulice Glifade predstavljaju malo rustični - ju atmosferu i vrtešku no - vih ukusa i brendova koji se stalno menjaju. Ulica Kipru, koja ide paralelno sa Metak -
som, ima energiju i glamur trendi tratorija, modernih bu - tika, francuskih delikatesa i koncept prodavnica... Kipru je baza za ozbiljne kupce koji nisu zainteresovani za Metaksine ulične sitnice. Obala Savršeno održavane javne plaže nižu se duž obale Gli - fade. Isprekidane sa neko - liko marina i kafić a, do njih se lako stiže iz centra Ati - ne tramvajem ili autobusom (treć a plaža ima bolji pesak i čistiju vodu). Mnogim me - štanima je dovoljno da se ov - de rashlade, ali oni koji žele da budu viđeni kreć u u znat - no modernije i fotogeničnije odmaralište „Asteras Beach“ oko kilometar južnije.
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