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TRANSACTIONS IRWIN ENGINEERS JOINS PENNONI Pennoni, a multidisciplined engineering firm headquartered in Philadelphia, announced the purchase of assets of IRWIN Engineers, Inc., located in Natick, Massachusetts. The group will work as the Irwin Engineers Division of Pennoni.

“We are thrilled to kick off 2024 with the addition of IRWIN Engineers. This expansion allows Pennoni to bolster our rapidly growing environmental service offerings in the New England region. Irwin’s reputation for stellar client services and hard work aligns closely with Pennoni’s. We look forward to

continuing to assist in the environmental, health and safety needs of our new and existing clients,” says Dave DeLizza, PE, president and CEO at Pennoni. Established in 1996, IRWIN specializes in chemical and environmental engineering services.

Benefits: Awareness of external factors enables you to better harness the prevailing winds of change to your advantage. You are more equipped to anticipate challenges and proactively seize emerging opportunities. 5. Money. This points to your revenue and cost models. Invest time in learning how money flows through your organization. Learn key factors that influence your product pricing and what you receive in return, from whom, how, and when. Spend time understanding goals, budgets, expenses, risk, and cost management. Which key performance indicators does your company track, and how can you positively influence the direction? Benefits: Additional financial knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions and contribute to your firm’s financial health. 6. Meaning. This represents the things we find most important and to which we most aspire. Discover and document your personal values and ambitions – what matters most to you, what you seek, and where you aim to be. Then dedicate time to understanding your company’s mission, vision, and values, and the unique aspects of its culture. Reflect on how you can personify these ideals and encourage and celebrate colleagues who embody them as well. While last on this list, “meaning” is the most important and threads through all the other strategy elements. A firm’s “meaning” drives every business decision. You will gain insight into your firm’s “meaning” as you explore the elements above. Benefits: Aligning your personal growth with the company’s vision enhances your sense of fulfillment and strengthens your resolve to achieve the firm’s goals. By exploring these six key strategy elements, you will gain an understanding of what your company offers, how it’s unique, who it’s for, and what it costs. Also, you’ll learn why you do it and the impact of your work on your firm and the world around you. While mastery may take years, being intentional about learning your business can help you immediately by improving your ability to solve more complex problems and better support your colleagues and clients. Understanding these elements today prepares you to anticipate and influence where they’ll be tomorrow. Mallory Lindgren is senior vice president of market development at Westwood. Contact her at mallory.lindgren@


To grasp “magic,” explore client and project success stories. They are a testament to the value your company brings and the reasons clients are drawn to it. Also, explore your firm’s marketing materials and the processes used to ensure customer satisfaction. Benefits: Understanding your firm’s “magic” enhances your ability to communicate with clients, bolster team confidence, and foster success. It also helps you anticipate and meet client needs. 3. Market. This encompasses your clients and the competitive landscape. To understand this world, begin by mapping the value chain of your industry to see where your firm and clients fit into the larger picture. Then deepen your knowledge of your top clients and competitors. For clients, determine who they are at their core: What challenges do they face? How do they generate revenue? What drives their decisions and shapes their approach to risk? Review their websites and marketing materials to see how they present themselves to their clients. Meet with teammates who work with these clients to learn more about how they operate. For competitors, build a list of your top competitors, noting they may vary across different disciplines. Then research their “means” and “magic.” Benefits: By better understanding how your firm fits into the larger “market,” you position yourself to identify new or better ways to support your clients and grow your business. You can gain confidence in evaluating your pricing and risk models and more effectively articulate your firm’s differentiators. 4. Momentum. Now it’s time to look further outside your firm. “Momentum” describes the factors outside your control that help or hinder your business. This may include the economy, labor market, or supply chain, as well as nascent trends and legislation. Identify and research some of the top external factors impacting your area of expertise and industry. Then find ways to stay current with those that are most disruptive. This can be podcasts, following thought leaders on social media, or subscribing to curated news feeds. Most firms have team members tracking industry trends as part of their job. They are a great resource to point you toward effective resources to get started.

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