Campus Commons PT - February 2022


The most popular source of omega-3s is fish; so what if you don’t like the taste of seafood or have an allergy?

Here are some substitutions to consider.

1. You can add chia seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts to your meals to get the needed nutrients. They are great additions to granola, oatmeal, salads, smoothies, or when mixed with milk or yogurt. You can even put them on toast with peanut butter. 2. Edamame and kidney beans are also good substitutions. Boil or steam edamame and put them in your salads or side dishes. Kidney beans are a popular side dish as well and can be used in curries, stews, or rice.

If you made New Year’s resolutions for your health, there’s a good chance “eat better” is on the list, including adding more omega-3s to your diet. These fatty acids have a whopping 17 health benefits, such as fighting heart disease and Alzheimer’s — that’s probably why doctors often recommend them. Omega-3s have a ton of functions. For example, they create a phospholipid layer of cell membranes to help give cells structure. There are a lot of these fatty acids in your brain and eyes, and they are critical for the cognitive development of babies, as well. Omega-3s can also improve your heart health by reducing the amount of inflammation you experience.

3. If you’re looking for new cooking oil, soybean oil can replace vegetable or olive oil. You can also use it as a salad dressing.

4. Eating mixed greens such as kale and spinach is beneficial as well. These greens can be sautéed with soybean oil for even more benefits.

Just as omega-3s are important for the beginning of life, they’re equally important to help you maintain good health throughout your life as well.

5. If you need more of an omega-3 boost or are experiencing high levels of inflammation, there are supplements you can explore like krill oil, cod liver oil, fish oil, and algae oil.

Preventing and Treating Calf Muscle Strains 2 problems, you should apply a cold compress for 20 minutes a day up to eight times a day and follow this up by applying heat to the tender area. Keep it elevated and wrapped to help prevent swelling. Have you ever gone out for a run or played a game of basketball and had to cut your exercise short due to pulling your calf muscle? A strain or pull occurs when the fibers of the calf muscle partially or completely tear, and it’s something most people have experienced at some point in their lives. Causes of calf strains include not warming up before an exercise, wearing the wrong type of footwear, or putting too much strain on the calf muscle. If you’re continually plagued by calf muscle strains, make sure you are warming up before your workout routine and stop if the area becomes swollen or painful. You’ll know that you strained your calf muscle if you’re feeling pain, noticing any swelling or redness, or if you’re having trouble with the mobility of your leg. If you notice any of these

If you’ve strained your calf muscle, you should rest and avoid strenuous activity. However, you can still do gentle stretches to maintain mobility and stabilize your joints while your calf heals. One of the easiest and best stretches to help your injury is the standing wall stretch. To do this, stand in front of a wall and

place both hands on it. Keep your injured leg straight as your other leg steps toward the wall.

Bend your uninjured leg and deepen the bend to produce a light stretch in your injured leg. Hold this stretch for 15–30 seconds.

Most people will fully recover from a pulled calf muscle, but in some instances, the injury could be severe enough to require surgery or physical therapy. If that’s the case for you, we’ll be on standby to help you through the recovery process.

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