The Source, Annual Review 2020

Associated experts, members and volunteers

Risk Management

A risk register is updated at every reporting cycle, including mitigating measures, and discussed with the Wetlands Interna- tional Supervisory Council. It is not surprising that dealing with the immediate and lasting effects of Covid-19 was ranked as the highest risk at the end of 2020. The top five risks as rated in December 2020 are specified in the table below:

European Association Members 10

(global) Association Members 36


Volunteer Citizen Scientists

Mitigation measures

Area of risk

Potential Impact on organisation



Close contact with donors. Renegotiation and replanning of agreements. Proposals for additional Covid-19 adaptation support.

Reduced income from new programmes in 2021 and beyond. Slower implementation increases costs unless deliverables are adjusted.


Impact of Covid-19 reduces fundraising and slows project implementation


Partners 251

Supervisory Council

Management Team, Heads of Offices and Programme Heads have time reserved to identify and develop opportunities. In the Global Office we have recruited a Resource Development Manager to help structure our approaches better. Regular and systematic monitoring and use of lessons learned to improve programme set-up.

Without a strong pipeline of new prospects and project proposals, it will be harder to create the positive impact needed for wetlands and the communities who depend on them, and to maintain core staff. Cost over-runs, disallowed expenditures (non-compliant with donor conditions) and insufficient delivery of results.



Insufficient resources to implement the Strategic Intent and cover organisational costs Subcontracts and reporting are not of sufficient quality



Associate Experts

Counsellors of Honour


Specialist Groups



Increasing our reach The strength of Wetlands International is more than the total of its staff and offices. Through working with influential partners, specialist groups, experts and members, we accelerate our momentum and strategic results. Members and the Supervisory Council provide active governance and, together with Counsellors of Honour, bring high-level expertise, guidance and connections. Specialist groups, associate experts and partners provide expertise, evidence and advice that underpins our approach on science, policy and practice. Partner organisations with whom we work regularly to implement programmes and projects are listed on pages 69 onwards. We are especially proud of our long-standing engagement with volunteer and citizen science groups, such as those who participate in the International Waterbird Census each year. Members Government and NGO members of the (global) association provide long-term support and strategic guidance to the organisation. In December 2020, members passed resolutions

to adopt the Strategic Intent (2020-2030), approve two new members of the Board of Association, endorse changes to the Articles of Association, and take note of the 2020 finance report (forecast) and the 2021 budget for the Association. Our European Association has 10 NGO members that jointly steer our programme action across the region. Strategic partnerships Wetlands International works within many varied partnerships in nearly all of the work it undertakes. Our partnership policy lays down principles that guide why and how long-term strategic relationships are developed and managed. In 2020, we signed new strategic partnerships with Boskalis, a leading global dredging and offshore contractor and maritime services provider, and with Greenchoice, a Dutch sustainable energy company that is leading in making possible a decentralised energy transition. Boskalis and Greenchoice are introduced on page 53.

Maintain close contacts with Heads of Office, diplomatic networks and donors; strengthen cooperation with local communities; incorporate flexibility in project.

Need to stop or substantially change implementation due to insecurity or change in government support.


Political instability and conflict


Regular review of situation with Network Management Team; sharpen propositions; give more attention to donor relationship management and fundraising.

Less opportunity to develop and implement new programmes with impact on income and staff budgets.


Economic recession in multiple regions leads to less funds available and more competition




Wetlands International Annual Review 2020

Wetlands International Annual Review 2020

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