King's Business - 1950-01

God. This procedure gave them a point of contact. They followed this plan as long as they were allowed to do so. When persecution arose they went elsewhere. Results of this first visit to Inconium were splendid. Of course, there was op­ position, as always, when things are be­ ing done for God. Next, Lystra is considered. At this place Paul healed a crippled man (v. 8ff), whereupon the people sought to worship Paul and Barnabas as gods. Then opposition was stirred up against them by Jews from Antioch and Iconium. It was in connection with this that Paul was stoned until he appeared dead. There is a strong possibility that he may have actually passed out of his body at this time and underwent the experience he refers to in Second Corinthians 12 when “he was caught up to paradise” (4). We dare not be too dogmatic about this, but many adhere'to this view. Then Derbe

located to the southwest of Antioch in the Mediterranean Sea. It is shaped like a hand with a finger pointing direct­ ly toward Antioch. On the island the servants of God ex­ perienced opportunities to preach the gospel. They also experienced definite opposition of Satan, as was to be ex­ pected (13:6ff). From Cyprus the mis­ sionaries sailed to the mainland of Asia Minor. Experiences in Asia Minor 14:1-3; 19-23 Our lesson selects several places where Barnabas and Paul ministered on this first journey and notes some of the in­ teresting events which occurred. First, observe Iconium. Here they ministered in the synagogue of the Jews. It is to be noted that wherever possible they preached in the synagogues. Here were to be found the Scriptures and those who had some background in the things of

lives. They faithfully preached the gos­ pel to the Jews wherever they went. They did not yet believe that the gospel was for all people; but some of their number commenced to preach to the Grecians as well as to the Jews. The Lord blessed their preaching, and many found the Saviour. When the church at Jerusalem heard that others than Jews were being saved, they sent one of their members, Barnabas, to Antioch. When Barnabas saw what God had done, he was glad and told the new Christians to cleave unto the Lord. Barnabas went into another city to bring Saul back with him to Antioch. For a year Barnabas and Saul taught God’s Word to these new Christians. The name “ Christian” was first used of these children of God in Antioch. One of God’s prophets visited the An­ tioch Christians and told them that a great famine was coming. Each Chris­ tian gave as much as he could to send re­ lief unto their fellow-believers in Judea. Barnabas and Saul took the gift to those who were in need. Doubtless the name “ Christian” was used to “make fun” of the new followers of the Son of God. It meant “ little Christs” or “ images of Christ.” Rather than being an unkind name, it was the greatest compliment that unbelievers could give to believers. It meant that when sinners heard God’s children speak they were reminded of the Lord Jesus. When they saw the actions of God’s chil­ dren, they were reminded of His actions. Why are you called a Christian? Be­ cause your parents are Christians, be­ cause you go to church and Sunday school, because you live in a so-called Christian country, or because when oth­ ers hear your words and see your actions they are reminded of the Son of God? Feb. 12, 1950 THE GOSPEL MOVES WESTWARD The scope of this lesson is the first missionary journey of Paul. On this westward trek the emissaries of the gospel did their work in Cyprus and in a large section of Asia Minor. Founda­ tions were laid for further advances of the early church. Principles were put in operation which ought to be followed in all missionary work. Westward Ho! 13:4, 5 This lesson should be studied with a map. Moreover, it can be taught much more effectively with a map before the class. This journey started, as every ef­ fort for Christ should start, in the at­ mosphere of prayer. So earnest was the church in the sending forth of its first missionaries, that they did not take time to eat. They prayed and experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Barnabas and Saul were publicly set apart for their holy task and so they went on their way from the coast^of Syria, near An­ tioch, to the island of Cyprus which is J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 0 Acts 13:4,5; 14:1-3,19-23 Pointers on the Lesson

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