O p e r a t i o n a l H i g h l i g h t s
9 RDOs completed 11 RDOs received from the Investigative Committee
11 Hearings scheduled 3 Hearings completed 5 Hearings adjourned
Complaints often proceed through recommended discipline orders (RDOs), which, if accepted, mean that a formal hearing is not necessary. Investigated members or permit holders agree to the findings against them and the proposed disciplinary actions. A case manager from the Discipline Committee decides whether to recommend acceptance to the committee of an RDO. Case managers also manage and execute the full hearing process. Our main staff focus in 2018 was to schedule and hold a backlog of hearings.
2-3 M O N T H S
Average completion time for RDOs
2 0 1 8
Filings to APEGA’s Appeal Board are appeals of: -- registration refusals -- investigative dismissals -- discipline decisions
10 Cases
158 D A Y S Average time to render decision
9 Cases closed 3 Backlog cases
2 0 1 6
9 11
Cases closed Cases opened
Average time to render decision 193 D A Y S
2 0 1 7
11 11
Cases closed Cases opened
Average time to render decision 163 D A Y S
2018 DECISION OUTCOMES 7 Decisions upheld 2 Appeals withdrawn
2018 APEGA Annual Report
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