t h e K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Deliverance Promised the Sinner. A man in Clydebank who had been recently converted, stepped into the . open-air ring and said, “ Friends, the wages of sin is death. Three weeks ago I left before the pay-day.” What a pity that all dp not leave sin before pay-day comes. At a large public meeting Dr. A. T. Pierson told how once, when he was collecting for some object, a wealthy man said to him, “ If I had to preach your funeral sermon, I should take the text, ‘And the beggar died.’ ” Dr. Pier son replied, ‘I should have no objec tion if you will go on with the text, ‘And was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom.’ ” Peter did not mind being a prisoner on earth, for if de liverance did not come here, it would During the South African war there was a meeding held for Christian soldiers on the veldt. A big Highlander said a few words, “ Now, look here, chums, tell me why didn’t the lions eat Dan iel?” There was a pause. “ Well, I’ll tell you,” said the speaker, “ it was be cause Daniel was three parts backbone and all the rest was gristle.” And then for a minute or two he “ rubbed it in.” “ Put backbone into your Christianity, comrades,” “Add to your faith cour age.” 2 Pet. 1:5. God Delivers At Just the Bight Time. A naturalist was one day studying a cocoon, in which a butterfly was strug gling to be free. He heard it beat against the sides of its little prison, and his heart went out in pity for the helpless creature. Taking a tiny lancet he cut away the fragile walls and re leased the little captive. But to his amazement it was not the beautiful creature he had expected to see. It lay struggling upon the table, unable to walk, unable to fly, a helpless, unlovely be glory hereafter. Peter Had Courage.
237 object. In place of the gorgeously col ored wings that he had expected^ to see', were weak, shriveled members. The prison gates had been opened too soon. Deliverance In Answer to Prayer. “ I was living in Maysville, Ohio, many years ago, and we were in reduced circumstances owing to the illness of my husband. Our little all was invested in our store and our furniture, none of which was insured. A great fire broke out across the road from us and we were in great danger. Our neighbors tried to save our place by wetting car pets and putting them on the roof. My little daughter came to me and said ‘Mother, pray!’ I looked up and said, ‘O, God, turn the blaze, and save us.’ Instantly God answered. The wind which had been blowing from north to south, turned in a moment to blow from east to west. Our house and store were spared and almost all the street was rescued, by this answer to believing The storr is told that .Frederick Douglas, the great slave orator/ once said in a mournful speech, when things looked dark for his race: “ The whitd man is against us, governments are against us, -the spirit of the times is against us. I see no hope for the col ored race. I am full of sadness.” Just' then a poor old colored woman arose in the audience, and said, “ Frederick, is God dead?” What a difference it makes when you count God in the cir cumstances of life. The James here mentioned was the one hon ored by our Lord on the mount of transfiguration and in Gethsemane. See also the COMMENTS FROM memorable cir- MANY SOURCES cumstances i n Keith L. Brooks Matt. 20:23.— Gray. The first This is the only apostle’s death recorded in the Bible prayer.’ ^ (Mrs. J. W.) Golden Text Illustration. v. 2. Herod killed James. church martyr.
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