YOUR STUDY BIBLE The above is the title of a new book issued by the Sunday School Times Company. In it the Rev. John Weaver Weddell gives us the result of forty years of Bible Study as recorded in the margins and fly leaves of his work Bible. He gives us in brief statements the choicest thoughts he has gathered concerning every book in the Bible, and for the young Bible student especially, it is a book of great value. In an open ing chapter, entitled “ Your Study Bible,“ Mr. Weddell gives the following excellent advice: “ Take your Study Bible with you in all your studies of the Bible. Let it he the record of your own Biblical inves tigations, the treasure house of all your searchings and findings, the journal of all the glimpses and hints that come to you from various sources, thus care fully and effectively preserved. Tran scribe to its pages your choicest! thoughts, write down in a terse sen tence the flashes of light that break out upon you as you read— let its sjpaces record your briefest notations and your sharpest analysis of its contents, so that at last you know your hook at a glance and in a few moments can re produce its trend of thought. In a word, make the book your own. “ Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.” (Josh. 1:3.) “ Here is your ordinary Scripture page before you. It should be in clear type, with reasonably wide margin, leaving room for annotation. The uiiual Teacher’s Bible is suitable for this. Use the spaces, of course, eco nomically and discriminatingly, the up per margins for hints and apt quota tions; the lower margins for brief catch word analysis of the book and pointed directions as to the progress of thought; the side margins for exegeti- cal notes and references and interpre tations. At the beginning of each book and each chapter give your own most carefully, worded designation of its theme and thought in the progress of Bible deed and doctrine. Thus grip your studies and findings, and attach
them consecutively and practically to the Word itself. It is your working outfit, your ready kit of tools, your sword unsheathed.” Running through the book, many helpful Bible outlines may be found, along with chapter headings, book and chapter outlines and marginal notes. m M ROMAN CATHOLIC DOCTRINE EX AMINED IN THE LIGHT OF THE SCRIPTURES ONLY For some time there has been a de mand for a concise statement of what is actually taught by the Roman Cath olic Church, together with a compila tion of Scripture passages to refute the errors. While there have been books that have considered the subject in this way,/they have been too bulky for practical service and too expensive for distribution. Rev. Keith L. Brooks of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, who was the author of the chart “ The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error,” a tract that has been circulated in thousands as an offset to the principal “ isms” of the day, has also compiled this new tract on Romanism. It appears in an attractive booklet of 16 pages (10 cents) and devotes a section to each of seven serious errors of the Roman Church, stating first the Catholic teach ing, as gathered from decrees of the popes or rulings of Romanist Councils, following them with suggestive ques tions, which in turn are answered by Scripture passages quoted in full. The booklet considers the teachings of Romanism on (1) The Scriptures, (2) The Church, (3) The Papacy, (4) The Priesthood, (5) Salvation, (6) Mariol- otry and Image Worship, (7) Sacra ments. It will be found most helpful in preparing Christians for conversing with Romanists, and is excellent for putting into their hands for personal examination, especially as the errors are met solely with the Word of God. ab> ste THE HUMANITY OF THE CHRIST Too often, perhaps, that wonderful quality of the Saviour, His humanity, is overlooked by many devoted Bible
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