2021 Endocrine Surgery Annual Report

Time trends

Thyroid/parathyroid cases 2000–2021 Figure 19 shows the number of elective cases by thyroid-only, parathyroid-only, and both thyroid and parathyroid.

Total operative cases 2000–2021 Figure 18 shows the total number of elective operative cases from 2000 to 2021 (top chart), and the percentage change year-on-year (bottom chart). Over time, the number of cases have generally increased.

Figure 19. Number of thyroid-only, parathyroid-only and both thyroid and parathyroid cases from 2000–2021

Adrenal cases 2005–2021 Figure 20 shows the number of elective adrenal cases from 2005 to 2021.

Figure 18. Total number of operative cases from 2000–2021 (top) and the year-on-year percentage change (bottom)

Figure 20. Number of adrenal cases from 2005–2021



Endocrine Surgery Annual Report 2021

Endocrine Surgery Annual Report 2021

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