Danette May's Lotus Journal - March 2020

Preparation Is a Girl’s Best Friend!


Spring break is just around the corner, so odds are there’s a trip in your future! Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a week-long stay with friends, it can be tricky to maintain a healthy, whole-food diet while you travel. Luckily, Danette is a pro at keeping her healing journey going while she hops on planes to new places, and she has some tips to share with you. Here are a few of her suggestions for staying on-plan while you’re on the go. Stock Your Purse Preparation is a girl’s best friend, followed up by a big purse! When you know you’ll be on a plane or somewhere without a lot of healthy options, the best thing you can do to set yourself up for success is to plan ahead and stock your bag with healthy snacks like nuts, Earth Echo Bovine Collagen Peptide powder for shakes, and no-bake Cacao Bliss balls. To make sure you get enough water, bring a reusable water bottle with you and fill it up. As long as it’s empty when you go through

mind focused on the whole, healing foods around you. If you look for it, 99% of the time there will be a healthy option available. When you choose what to eat, always choose to honor your spirit and honor your body. Make Your Choices for Yourself It can be hard to make healthy choices while you’re surrounded by friends and family eating differently, but remember, you’re doing this for you , not for them. Keep your goals, the importance of your journey, and how powerful you’ve been feeling in mind, and do your best to ignore that social pressure. Only indulge if you want to treat yourself. For more of Danette’s tips, follow her on Instagram @thedanettemay and on her personal Facebook page.

security, you can even use it in the airport to stay hydrated. Focus on the Positive Instead of seeing nothing but the junk at every restaurant and snack bar, keep your eye and

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