Wake Forest Northeast Community Plan - December 2021

• Trash, ineffective street upkeep, and the poor aesthetic of the streets themselves impact the overall appearance of the neighborhood.. • Homelessness remains a concern of the neighborhood. • There is a general perception that the Northeast Community is unsafe although statistics do not support this. Neighborhood Connectivity • The existing sidewalk network is incomplete and not continuous. • Frequency of transit is lacking. • Lighting needs to be updated and improved to maintain safety. Community/ Neighborhood Facilities • New charter schools are increasing





PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND FEEDBACK The planning process has been fundamentally informed and shaped by meaningful public participation and feedback. As part of a broad community engagement effort, stakeholder interviews, surveys, and public meetings were held to guide the development of this plan. The comments and stories collected, the information gathered, and ideas heard were all incorporated into the planning process for this effort. 1.G

Community Assets • The Northeast area has a strong sense of community and neighborhood pride. • Neighborhood facilities including Alston- Massenburg Center, local churches, and Hope House provide significant opportunities for partnership, community outreach, programming and connection. • Community gardens and local after- school programming provide important and well-used opportunities for local children and residents. • Neighborhood connectivity is increasing and improving with the installation of new sidewalk infrastructure. • Social events including the Juneteenth celebration provide opportunities for both cohesion and community assistance. These benefits are enhanced through several on-going and successful community assistance programs and organizations. Issues Community Character • Fear of displacement has grown over the past decade as neighborhood is becoming more diverse and housing becomes more expensive. • Newer housing and infill development are of a different character than that of the older, existing houses. In general, these more recent additions lack front porches, gardens, and front yards which older housing in the area has. • The Northeast Community is physically divided from both the neighborhoods to the west of the railroad tracks and the new Traditions neighborhood to the east.




competition with public educational facilities, and access to internet is a challenge for some students.

• Job training programs are underutilized. • The Northeast has few gathering places for neighborhood youth. • The community is largely a food desert with little convenient access to fresh and healthy food. Affordability • Housing costs are increasing and young families are leaving the community. • New housing in and around the Northeast Community is not affordable for many existing neighborhood

• The Plan has been guided by an Advisory Group consisting of community residents, advocates, and members of public, private and non-profit sector entities. These individuals have provided significant feedback during the entire Northeast Plan process. • Stakeholder meetings were

Contained several options for sharing and gathering

1. Community Survey Conducted to gain understanding of community’s needs and desires 2. Meeting #1: Existing Conditions, Surveys andVisioning Workshop Conducted virtually due to COVID-19 protocols and its related “stay at home” mandate 3. Meeting #2: Recommendations, Survey and Implementation StrategyOpenHouse Held outdoors in person 4. Meeting #3: Draft Plan At Board of Commissioners and Planning Board Public Hearing

information including virtual public meetings, surveys and other related information about this planning process. https://www.wakeforestnc.gov/ northeast-community-plan

conducted in November 2020. Over 20 separate interview sessions were conducted with 39 participants, including residents, churches, business owners, representatives from local community organizations, from the Town of Wake Forest including the Board of Commissioners, and staff from Wake County.

residents, and there are a significant number of run down or abandoned homes.

• Gentrification and displacement

are major concerns as the cost of homeownership increases, brought on in part by the development of new communities such as Traditions in the community’s immediate vicinity.

Chapter 1: Existing Conditions

Northeast Community Plan



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