Wake Forest Northeast Community Plan - December 2021





The black history of the community and the

WORRY: • The increasing housing costs,

affordability of the community may be lost...

Two public meetings were conducted through the project process. The information gleaned from the public meetings and from other community conversations was used to create the neighborhood vision, recommendations and implementation strategies for the current Plan.

gentrification, and displacement in the Northeast Community. • Lack of affordable housing. • The loss of community character, fabric, and history of the Northeast as the community changes. • The increase in speeding and traffic congestion in the neighborhood. • New development destroying open and wooded spaces in and around the neighborhood. • Concern that the Northeast is not

I worry that infrastructure is never adequately

addressed before building large amounts of

residential area...

MEETING #1- EXISTING CONDITIONS AND VISIONING WORKSHOP Public Meeting #1 was held on March 9 & 13th, 2021. This community visioning workshop synthesized the results of the stakeholder interviews and the first public survey, and engaged community members to brainstorm ideas for a shared vision of the future for the Northeast. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this workshop was held virtually using a Zoom platform. For those who were unable to attend virtually, the option for call in access to the meeting was also provided along with it being televised on public access television.

MEETING AGENDA Workshop participants were given an

I worry that the community will become gentrified as

overview of the Northeast Community plan update process, and the general observations and findings to date. After a brief introduction, participants were divided into small breakout groups to participate in a “Community Thoughts” activity. This activity asked residents to provide their reflections about the Northeast through three lenses: 1. Worry : Do you have any worries or concerns about the future of your community or about the project? 2. Keep : What aspects of your community do you want to make sure are kept or preserved in the future? 3. Plan : When envisioning the future, what are some new features, amenities,

more parcels are purchased for large homes...

sharing in, or integrating with, the broader growing Wake Forest community.

...impact of rising taxes, employment opportunities

and resources to raise the education and training for

unemployed residents.

or programs you would like to add to the planning process for your community?

A survey was distributed both electronically and by hard copy. This survey was available to all on the project website, and was also distributed in hard copy at additional community functions.

Chapter 1: Existing Conditions

Northeast Community Plan



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