The Town should continue to consider accessibility in future bicycle and pedestrian facilities by performing a thorough analysis of roadways within the study area from an accessibility perspective. This would involve creating an inventory of needed improvements and periodic review and implementation to ensure ADA compliance. STRATEGY 4. Implement the proposed greenways in the 2019 Comprehensive Transportation Plan ; identify additional high priority additions to the greenway network. In an effort to further increase bicycle and pedestrian connections to areas outside of the Northeast Community, work should be done to reinforce and expand access to the greenway system. Some opportunities for this include:
N. Allen Road v. Consider adding on-street
E. Juniper Avenue / N. Allen Road ix. Consider horizontal deflection (i.e., mini-roundabout) at this intersection to deter speeding. Flaherty Avenue x. Place school pavement marking in front of the school.
STRATEGY 3. Improve roadways based on the recommendations outlined in the
parking along N Allen Road (north of Juniper Avenue). vi. Consider opportunities for traffic calming measures. vii. Widen sidewalks on west side of N. Allen Road to provide better access to DuBois Campus. viii. Consider adding a mid- block crossing to mitigate the relatively longer block length of N. Allen Road between Juniper Avenue and E. Perry Avenue.
Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
The Town’s 2019 Comprehensive Transportation Plan emphasizes a multi-modal approach to transportation. In addition to considerations for automobile traffic, it will be important to implement the proposed bicycle and pedestrian facilities outlined in the CTP. Specifically, these recommendations include:
Jubilee Court xi. Consider installing traffic
calming measures to reduce cut- through traffic. N. White Street / E. Juniper Avenue xii. Explore opportunity to signalize particularly as the Dubois Campus develops.
Wait Avenue i. Provide crosswalks across Wait Avenue (i.e. N Taylor Street, N. Franklin Street, etc.). ii. If traffic volumes along Wait Avenue are a concern, consider installing Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at crosswalks or similar options (including mid-block crossing/s). Juniper Avenue: iii. As traffic increases along Juniper Avenue, monitor for High Intensity Activated crossWalK (HAWK) signals at the proposed mid-block crossing to connect with Dunn Creek Greenway.
STRATEGY 2. Install traffic calming elements to decrease speeding on key streets and improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and non-motorists. As some residents have voiced concerns over the speed of traffic in the neighborhood, opportunities for reducing speeding should be considered in future roadway projects. Specific examples may include on- curb extensions at intersections, center islands/median installations, horizontal deflection (i.e., mini-roundabout), warning signage, etc. Additional on-street parking should also be considered as it not only alleviates parking constraints, but buffers pedestrians from automobile lanes and provides periphery “friction” along a street—often slowing down drivers.
Carroll Street / 7th Avenue i. Install pedestrian facilities along Carroll Street / 7th Avenue to provide direct access to the Dunn Creek Greenway. Downtown Greenway Connection ii. Examine extending the Downtown Greenway (as identified in the CTP) into the study area to provide trail access to residents west of N. Allen Road. Depending on the route, this could provide Northeast Community residents with a back route into the CVS shopping center (activity center in close proximity to Downtown).
Traffic calming element such as mini-roundabouts assist in reducing high vehicle speed while contextually fitting within modest-scaled neighborhoods.
N Allen Street: iv. Explore adding sharrows
(shared car and bicycle access lanes)along N. Allen Street to provide an additional north- south bicycle route.
7th Street v. Evaluate adding new pedestrian connection from 7th Street to Ailey Young Park.
Traffic calming measures such as on-street parking should be implemented to reduce speeding
Chapter 2: Plan Recommendations
Northeast Community Plan
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