Dr. Owens:
What's the difference between spinal manipulaCon and the chiropracCc adjustment? That's intent, correct?
Dr. Hoffman:
Dr. Owens:
And so in order to have intent, you have to know what you're doing. That's what our forefathers talked about, that's what intent really is in the modern age. Is actual knowing what you're doing and that's what those x-rays can give us in those cases. Yeah, and Stu ... I'd like to digress, about a minute and a half ago, you used the word "philosophical perspecCve". Let's look at the word philosophy. Philosophy means the study of truth. That's what philosophy means. And when we analyze the spine, what's the truth of that spine? And I said it about 20 minutes ago, are you adjusCng compensaCon or are you adjusCng the primary lesion? How do you know if you don't look? And what else is there as a comorbidity? Now, I could hear a lot of the ultra far right people saying it in our profession, the subluxaConists, the [inaudible 00:25:52] ... I lived in that world for many, many years, okay? I am not a far right or far lei, I'm a middle of the road guy. Because I believe that there's validity to everything and we need all hands on deck. But I can hear people say, "Oh, you're a medipractor", and something that I've heard for years, because Bill and I talk about living in the world of medicine. Well, guess what? We've learned a lot from medicine. We have. And we've brought that knowledge to chiropracCc and the applicaCon of chiropracCc. In both, the analyCcal world and the technique world and the outcome world, and it's helped many, many people with nothing more than the chiropracCc adjustment. But how and when and where we've applied it to? When we went in to the world of being published, and asked hard quesCons without knowing what the answers would be. And we found out that, hey, not only the answers got us excited, it validated us. And we're actually looking for even more answers and I really believe, which I never thought in my lifeCme, we're going to be able to coordinate systemic care with the chiropracCc adjustment and bridge that in the research lab, in the scienCfic arena, and I really believe we're going to get there before I'm dead, and that's one of my goals. But you see, here's the issue. And something you asked before, and I skirted it and I wanted to hold this to one of the last few comments. You asked me about what I feel the impact is. Of the ACA making these guidelines. That's what you asked me specifically. And it was a great quesCon. And I look at myriad of other issues ... or I've brought you in to a bunch of different tangents. But here's the real issue. When an organizaCon, even though it's a ... and the ACA is a labor union, that's all it is, it's a naConal organizaCon designed for the benefit of chiropractors. We want to educate the public and do things, but we're a labor union, and that's what a naConal organizaCon is. Right on.
Dr. Studin:
Dr. Hoffman:
Dr. Studin:
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance - ACA X-ray Guidelines Part 2 Dr. M...
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