Kinetix: How Posture Affects Back & Neck Pain

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Feel Younger. Move Better. Get Stronger.” 6 BENEFITS TO GOOD POSTURE

INSIDE: HowPoorPosutreContributesToBackPain RelieveBackPain InMinutes HealthyRecipe PatientSuccessSpotlight

If you suffer from back or neck pain, poor posture could be to blame. Poor posture can be a serious danger to your health. If you have poor posture, your bones are not properly aligned, which increases strain on your muscles, joints and ligaments. Poor posture causes fatigue, muscular strain and pain. In addition, poor posture can affect the position and function of your vital organs, such as your heart, lungs and intestines. Maintaining good posture can have a dramatic improvement on your back or neck pain, health, energy and the way you look and feel. Some of the perks of good posture include: 1. Constant exercise for your back and abdominals. Holding good posture takes effort and makes you use the muscles in your back and abdomen properly. 2. It greatly improves your breathing. Good posture makes room for your lungs to function at their best – rather than being compressed when you hold your body in a slouch. Good lung function has a healthy impact on all aspects of your body’s functions and helps to reduce pain. 3. Itprotectsyourorgans,bones, jointsandmuscles. Holdingcorrectposture reduces unnecessary strain and pressure on these body parts. Most neck TWO FREE WORKSHOPS EACH MONTH! WHICH ONE IS RIGHT FOR YOU? For Back Pain & Sciatica Sufferers: • Do you suffer with back pain or leg pain when you stand or walk?

and back problems develop from poor posture over time.

4. It prevents arthritis. With poor posture, unnatural pressure is placed on your joints, leading to wear and tear.This in turn can lead to arthritis. Good posture gives your joints the chance to function at their best. 5. It helps you use your muscles more efficiently. With your bones and joints in correct alignment, you are likely to feel more energetic since your body will require less energy to move about. 6. Itcanhaveadramatic impacton thewayyoufeel. Whenyouholdyourself in good posture, rather than a slumped one, you send signals to your brain that makes you feel happier and more confident. It also changes the way that people see you – you’ll appear more confident and assertive. Making simple changes in your daily habits can improve your posture and reduce your pain. Postural restoration at Kinetix Physical Therapy helps the body recruit the right muscles for the task at hand, improving pain prior to restoring function. Our experts have years of training in reducing back and neck pain associated from poor posture.

For Those With Imbalance Symptoms: • Have you fallen in the past? • Are you afraid of falling? • Has your balance become more unsteady? • Has your walking become more difficult?

• Do you have pain when you sit for long periods or drive? • Do you experience pain, numbness or tingling into your buttock, groin or down your leg?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions (or have a stubborn spouse or parent who is in denial) – The Back Pain and Sciatica workshop or the Balance and Fall Prevention workshop may be a life changing (and possibly life saving) event for you. Register by calling 352-505-6665, at or at Seats are limited so register today!

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