SBE Internship Expo Program Summer 2021


MAJOR Management HOMETOWN Hortonville, Wis. ORGANIZATION Menards Plover, Wis. TITLE Management Intern

What I did: My daily tasks varied from assigning employees certain tasks throughout my department. This could be from putting freight away to clean certain areas. It was my duty to keep team members busy throughout the day and to make sure they stay on task. Other duties were comparing competitors prices and scheduling team members. I also got to run a department meeting that addressed new sales trends and goals. What I liked: I liked being in an atmosphere like Menards where all the team members are willing to put hard work in and the management are willing to listen to problems and try to solve them. Also, I enjoyed working with contractors who came into the store looking to build materials and then teaching me a few building materials facts. Future Dream Job: Honestly, my dream job could be something like being either a manager or a GM at a store like Menards. However, I could also see myself finding interest in real estate or starting up my own company.



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