or the common areas at any time. Exceptions are made for registered
13. Night Security 9:00 PM-5:00 AM Contact: Jan Guard 808-585-7346 14. For on site emergencies please contact Kona Reef Resident Manager: 808-430-8659 or Unit F 6
1. No m ore than 4 people are permitted overnight in one- bedroom units,and no more than 6 people are permitted in two-bedroom units. 2. Quiet hours are from 10:00 PM - 8:00 AM. 3. No towels,clothing, or any other item shall be placed on the lanai rails/rock walls in front of the ground floor units. 4. No one is permitted to play or loiter on the stair ways, cor r idor s, el evator s, par k i n g areas,or other common areas. 5. Children must be
supervised at all times. 6. All guests must obtain a parking permit
service animals. 10. Barbecuing is
from their rental agent/owner and display it in their vehicle.
permitted only at the facility located in the cabana area near the pool. No outside cooking is permitted in any other area. 11. All posted signs must be obeyed. 12.Police,Fire or ambulance call 911
7. Should issues occur in your condo,please contact your rental agent/owner. 8. Smoking or vaping is prohibited in all common areas per state statute Act 295. No smoking or vaping within 20 feet of any common or public area. Designated smoking areas have been provided. 9. Domestic pets are not permitted in any condo
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